Important Note: The Visual Studio project for the C++ hook was omitted since the introduction of the Linux-ready release. In its place, a Code::Blocks project has been created. (Code::Blocks is a cross-platform open-source IDE) The options have been pre-set for cross-compiling on both Windows and Linux, but there is some housekeeping you'll need to do if you want to build on either: == Building On Windows == - Steps - 1) Load the project Build Options 2) Edit the Linker Settings 3) Remove the lib\ library from the linker 4) Rebuild the project - Why? - The .so library is a Linux "shared object", equivilent to a .dll on Windows. The linker has pre-set options to scan the lib/ directory for mono-2.0.dll, so we don't need to add that back in to the list. == Building on Linux == - Steps 1) Load the project Build Options 2) Edit the Linker Settings 3) Under "Other linker options", omit the "def.def" flag from the list 4) Rebuild the project - Why? - The definition module is a Windows-specific file for the linker to export the AMX functions to the DLL. Linux does a good job at not obfuscating function names upon compiling because it doesn't require the __stdcall convention to export said functions, so we don't need a definition module for this purpose. It also throws errors because it's not a recognised file so just go with it.