Imports VpSharp.Commands Imports VpSharp.EventData Module Program Private WithEvents _client As VirtualParadiseClient Public Sub Main(args As String()) MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult() End Sub Private Async Function MainAsync() As Task Dim configuration = new VirtualParadiseConfiguration _ With { .Username = "YOUR_VP_USERNAME", .Password = "YOUR_VP_PASSWORD", .BotName = "Greeter", .Application = New Application("GreeterBot", "1.0") } _client = New VirtualParadiseClient(configuration) Dim commands = _client.UseCommands(New CommandsExtensionConfiguration With { .Prefixes = {"/"} }) commands.RegisterCommands(GetType(SayCommand)) Await _client.ConnectAsync() Await _client.LoginAsync() Await _client.EnterAsync("WORLD_NAME") Await _client.CurrentAvatar.TeleportAsync(Vector3d.Zero) Await Task.Delay(- 1) End Function Private Async Sub ClientOnAvatarJoined(sender As Object, args As AvatarJoinedEventArgs) Handles _client.AvatarJoined Await _client.SendMessageAsync("Hello, " & args.Avatar.Name) End Sub Private Async Sub OnChatMessage(sender As Object, args As MessageReceivedEventArgs) Handles _client.MessageReceived Dim message As String = args.Message.Content If message.StartsWith("/say ") Then Await _client.SendMessageAsync(message.Substring(5)) End If End Sub End Module