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2024-06-12 13:17:02 +00:00
"api/index.html": {
"href": "api/index.html",
"title": "Introduction | X10D",
"keywords": "Introduction X10D (pronounced extend ), is a .NET package that provides extension methods for numerous types. The purpose of this library is to simplify a codebase by reducing the need for repeated code when performing common operations. Simplify your codebase. Take advantage of .NET. Use extension methods."
"api/X10D.Collections.ArrayExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.ArrayExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ArrayExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ArrayExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ArrayExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ArrayExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsReadOnly<T>(T[]) Returns a read-only wrapper for the array. Declaration public static IReadOnlyCollection<T> AsReadOnly<T>(this T[] array) Parameters Type Name Description T[] array The one-dimensional, zero-based array to wrap in a read-only wrapper. Returns Type Description IReadOnlyCollection <T> A wrapper for the specified array. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in the array. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear<T>(T[]) Clears the contents of an array. Declaration public static void Clear<T>(this T[] array) Parameters Type Name Description T[] array The array to clear. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in the array. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear<T>(T[], Range) Sets a range of elements in an array to the default value of each element type. Declaration public static void Clear<T>(this T[] array, Range range) Parameters Type Name Description T[] array The array whose elements need to be cleared. Range range A range defining the start index and number of elements to clear. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in the array. | Improve this Doc View Source Clear<T>(T[], Int32, Int32) Sets a range of elements in an array to the default value of each element type. Declaration public static void Clear<T>(this T[] array, int index, int length) Parameters Type Name Description T[] array The array whose elements need to be cleared. System.Int32 index The starting index of the range of elements to clear. System.Int32 length The number of elements to clear. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in the array."
"api/X10D.Collections.BoolListExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.BoolListExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BoolListExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class BoolListExtensions Collection-related extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object BoolListExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class BoolListExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PackByte(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>) Packs a collection of booleans into a . Declaration public static byte PackByte(this IReadOnlyList<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Boolean > source The collection of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt16(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>) Packs a collection of booleans into a . Declaration public static short PackInt16(this IReadOnlyList<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Boolean > source The collection of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int16 A 16-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt32(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>) Packs a collection of booleans into a . Declaration public static int PackInt32(this IReadOnlyList<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Boolean > source The collection of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A 32-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt64(IReadOnlyList<Boolean>) Packs a collection of booleans into a . Declaration public static long PackInt64(this IReadOnlyList<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Boolean > source The collection of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int64 A 64-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans."
"api/X10D.Collections.ByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.ByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ByteExtensions Collection-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Byte) Unpacks this 8-bit unsigned integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static bool[] Unpack(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value to unpack. Returns Type Description System.Boolean [] An array of with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Byte, Span<Boolean>) Unpacks this 8-bit unsigned integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static void Unpack(this byte value, Span<bool> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value to unpack. Span < System.Boolean > destination When this method returns, contains the unpacked booleans from value ."
"api/X10D.Collections.CollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.CollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CollectionExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class CollectionExtensions Collection-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object CollectionExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class CollectionExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ClearAndDisposeAll<T>(ICollection<T>) Calls on each item in the collection, then clears the collection by calling . Declaration public static void ClearAndDisposeAll<T>(this ICollection<T> source) where T : IDisposable Parameters Type Name Description ICollection <T> source The collection to clear, and whose elements should be disposed. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . See Also DisposeAll<T>(IEnumerable<T>) | Improve this Doc View Source ClearAndDisposeAllAsync<T>(ICollection<T>) Asynchronously calls on each item in the collection, then clears the collection by calling . Declaration public static Task ClearAndDisposeAllAsync<T>(this ICollection<T> source) where T : IAsyncDisposable Parameters Type Name Description ICollection <T> source The collection to clear, and whose elements should be disposed. Returns Type Description Task Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . See Also DisposeAllAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T>)"
"api/X10D.Collections.DictionaryExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.DictionaryExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DictionaryExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DictionaryExtensions Extension methods for and similar types. Inheritance System.Object DictionaryExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DictionaryExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, TKey, TValue, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue>) Adds a key/value pair to the if the key does not already exist, or updates a key/value pair in the by using the specified function if the key already exists. Declaration public static TValue AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key, TValue addValue, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue> updateValueFactory) Parameters Type Name Description Dictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary The dictionary to update. TKey key The key to be added or whose value should be updated. TValue addValue The value to be added for an absent key. Func <TKey, TValue, TValue> updateValueFactory The function used to generate a new value for an existing key based on the key's existing value. Returns Type Description TValue The new value for the key. This will be either be addValue (if the key was absent) or the result of updateValueFactory (if the key was present). Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the keys in the dictionary. TValue The type of the values in the dictionary. | Improve this Doc View Source AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(Dictionary<TKey, TValue>, TKey, Func<TKey, TValue>, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue>) Uses the specified functions to add a key/value pair to the if the key does not already exist, or to update a key/value pair in the if the key already exists. Declaration public static TValue AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(this Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key, Func<TKey, TValue> addValueFactory, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue> updateValueFactory) Parameters Type Name Description Dictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary The dictionary to update. TKey key The key to be added or whose value should be updated. Func <TKey, TValue> addValueFactory The function used to generate a value for an absent key. Func <TKey, TValue, TValue> updateValueFactory The function used to generate a new value for an existing key based on the key's existing value. Returns Type Description TValue The new value for the key. This will be either be the result of addValueFactory (if the key was absent) or the result of updateValueFactory (if the key was present). Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the keys in the dictionary. TValue The type of the values in the dictionary. | Improve this Doc View Source AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, TKey, TValue, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue>) Adds a key/value pair to the if the key does not already exist, or updates a key/value pair in the by using the specified function if the key already exists. Declaration public static TValue AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TKey key, TValue addValue, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue> updateValueFactory) Parameters Type Name Description IDictionary <TKey, TValue> dictionary The dictionary to update. TKey key The key to be added or whose value should be updated. TValue addValue The value to be added for an absent key. Func <TKey, TValue, TValue> updateValueFactory The function used to generate a new value for an existing key based on the key's existing value. Returns Type Description TValue The new value for the key. This will be either be addValue (if the key was absent) or the result of updateValueFactory (if the key was present). Type Parameters Name Description TKey The type of the keys in the dictionary. TValue The type of the values in the dictionary. | Improve this Doc View Source AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, TKey, Func<TKey, TValue>, Func<TKey, TValue, TValue>) Uses the specified functions to add a key/value pair to the if the key does not already exist, or to update a key/value pair in the if the key already exists. Declaration public static TValue AddOrUpdate<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict
"api/X10D.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.EnumerableExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EnumerableExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class EnumerableExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object EnumerableExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class EnumerableExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountWhereNot<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Boolean>) Returns a number that represents how many elements in the specified sequence do not satisfy a condition. Declaration public static int CountWhereNot<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence that contains elements to be tested and counted. Func <TSource, System.Boolean > predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A number that represents how many elements in the sequence do not satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source DisposeAll<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Calls on all elements of the . Declaration public static void DisposeAll<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) where T : IDisposable Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <T> source The enumerable collection whose elements to dispose. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . See Also ClearAndDisposeAll<T>(ICollection<T>) | Improve this Doc View Source DisposeAllAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Asynchronously calls on all elements of the . Declaration public static Task DisposeAllAsync<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) where T : IAsyncDisposable Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <T> source The enumerable collection whose elements to dispose. Returns Type Description Task Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . See Also ClearAndDisposeAllAsync<T>(ICollection<T>) | Improve this Doc View Source FirstWhereNot<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Boolean>) Returns the first element in a sequence that does not satisfy a specified condition. Declaration public static TSource FirstWhereNot<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source An to return an element from. Func <TSource, System.Boolean > predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description TSource The first element in the sequence that fails the test in the specified predicate function. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements in source | Improve this Doc View Source FirstWhereNotOrDefault<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Boolean>) Returns the first element in a sequence that does not satisfy a specified condition. Declaration public static TSource FirstWhereNotOrDefault<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source An to return an element from. Func <TSource, System.Boolean > predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description TSource langword_csharp_default(TSource) if source is empty or if no element passes the test specified by predicate ; otherwise, the first element in source that fails the test specified by predicate . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements in source | Improve this Doc View Source For<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Action<Int32, T>) Performs the specified action on each element of the . Declaration public static void For<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Action<int, T> action) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <T> source The whose elements on which to perform action . Action < System.Int32 , T> action The delegate to perform on each element of the . The argument passed to this delegate represents the index. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source ForEach<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Action<T>) Performs the specified action on each element of the . Declaration public static void ForEach<T>(thi
"api/X10D.Collections.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Collections | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Collections Classes ArrayExtensions Extension methods for . BoolListExtensions Collection-related extension methods for of . ByteExtensions Collection-related extension methods for . CollectionExtensions Collection-related extension methods for . DictionaryExtensions Extension methods for and similar types. EnumerableExtensions Extension methods for . Int16Extensions Collection-related extension methods for . Int32Extensions Collection-related extension methods for . Int64Extensions Collection-related extension methods for . ListExtensions Extension methods for and . QueueExtensions Extension methods for . SpanExtensions Extension methods for and StackExtensions Extension methods for . Structs SpanSplitEnumerator<T> Enumerates the elements of a ."
"api/X10D.Collections.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions Collection-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Int16) Unpacks this 16-bit signed integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static bool[] Unpack(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to unpack. Returns Type Description System.Boolean [] An array of with length 16. | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Int16, Span<Boolean>) Unpacks this 16-bit signed integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static void Unpack(this short value, Span<bool> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to unpack. Span < System.Boolean > destination When this method returns, contains the unpacked booleans from value ."
"api/X10D.Collections.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions Collection-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Int32) Unpacks this 32-bit signed integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static bool[] Unpack(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to unpack. Returns Type Description System.Boolean [] An array of with length 32. | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Int32, Span<Boolean>) Unpacks this 32-bit signed integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static void Unpack(this int value, Span<bool> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to unpack. Span < System.Boolean > destination When this method returns, contains the unpacked booleans from value ."
"api/X10D.Collections.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions Collection-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Int64) Unpacks this 64-bit signed integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static bool[] Unpack(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to unpack. Returns Type Description System.Boolean [] An array of with length 64. | Improve this Doc View Source Unpack(Int64, Span<Boolean>) Unpacks this 64-bit signed integer into a boolean list, treating it as a bit field. Declaration public static void Unpack(this long value, Span<bool> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to unpack. Span < System.Boolean > destination When this method returns, contains the unpacked booleans from value ."
"api/X10D.Collections.ListExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.ListExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ListExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ListExtensions Extension methods for and . Inheritance System.Object ListExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ListExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Fill<T>(IList<T>, T) Assigns the given value to each element of the list. Declaration public static void Fill<T>(this IList<T> source, T value) Parameters Type Name Description IList <T> source The list to be filled. T value The value to assign to each list element. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in the list. | Improve this Doc View Source Fill<T>(IList<T>, T, Int32, Int32) Assigns the given value to the elements of the list which are within the range of startIndex (inclusive) and the next count number of indices. Declaration public static void Fill<T>(this IList<T> source, T value, int startIndex, int count) Parameters Type Name Description IList <T> source The list to be filled. T value The value to assign to each list element. System.Int32 startIndex A 32-bit integer that represents the index in the list at which filling begins. System.Int32 count The number of elements to fill. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in the list. | Improve this Doc View Source IndexOf<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, T) Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the entire . Declaration public static int IndexOf<T>(this IReadOnlyList<T> source, T item) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList <T> source The list to search T item The object to locate in the . The value can be true for reference types. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The zero-based index of the first occurrence of item within the entire , if found; otherwise, -1. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source IndexOf<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, T, Int32) Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the range of elements in the that extends from the specified index to the last element. Declaration public static int IndexOf<T>(this IReadOnlyList<T> source, T item, int startIndex) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList <T> source The list to search T item The object to locate in the . The value can be true for reference types. System.Int32 startIndex The zero-based starting index of the search. 0 (zero) is valid in an empty list. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The zero-based index of the first occurrence of item within the range of elements in the that starts at index and contains count number of elements, if found; otherwise, -1. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source IndexOf<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, T, Int32, Int32) Searches for the specified object and returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence within the range of elements in the that starts at the specified index and contains the specified number of elements. Declaration public static int IndexOf<T>(this IReadOnlyList<T> source, T item, int startIndex, int count) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList <T> source The list to search T item The object to locate in the . The value can be true for reference types. System.Int32 startIndex The zero-based starting index of the search. 0 (zero) is valid in an empty list. System.Int32 count The number of elements in the section to search. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The zero-based index of the first occurrence of item within the range of elements in the that starts at index and contains count number of elements, if found; otherwise, -1. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Random<T>(IReadOnlyList<T>, Nullable<Random>) Returns a random element from the current list using a specified instance. Declaration public static T Random<T>(this IReadOnlyList<T> source, Random? random = null) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList <T> source The source collection from which to draw.
"api/X10D.Collections.QueueExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.QueueExtensions.html",
"title": "Class QueueExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class QueueExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object QueueExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class QueueExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source DequeueAll<TElement>(Queue<TElement>) Removes and returns each element from the queue starting at the beginning, until the queue is empty. Declaration public static IEnumerable<TElement> DequeueAll<TElement>(this Queue<TElement> queue) Parameters Type Name Description Queue <TElement> queue The queue from which the elements will be removed. Returns Type Description IEnumerable <TElement> Type Parameters Name Description TElement The type of the element. | Improve this Doc View Source EnqueueAll<TElement>(Queue<TElement>, IEnumerable<TElement>) Adds an enumerable collection of objects to the end of the , in the order that they were enumerated. Declaration public static void EnqueueAll<TElement>(this Queue<TElement> queue, IEnumerable<TElement> values) Parameters Type Name Description Queue <TElement> queue The queue to which the elements will be added. IEnumerable <TElement> values An enumerable collection of elements to enqueue. Type Parameters Name Description TElement The type of the element."
"api/X10D.Collections.SpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.SpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SpanExtensions Extension methods for and Inheritance System.Object SpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsReadOnly<T>(Span<T>) Returns a read-only wrapper for the current span. Declaration public static ReadOnlySpan<T> AsReadOnly<T>(this in Span<T> source) Parameters Type Name Description Span <T> source The source span. Returns Type Description ReadOnlySpan <T> A which wraps the elements in source . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Count<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, T) Returns the number of times that a specified element appears in a read-only span of elements of the same type. Declaration public static int Count<T>(this in ReadOnlySpan<T> source, T element) where T : IEquatable<T> Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <T> source The source to search. T element The element to count. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of times that element appears in source . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Count<T>(Span<T>, T) Returns the number of times that a specified element appears in a span of elements of the same type. Declaration public static int Count<T>(this in Span<T> source, T element) where T : IEquatable<T> Parameters Type Name Description Span <T> source The source to search. T element The element to count. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of times that element appears in source . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Replace<T>(Span<T>, T, T) Replaces all occurrences of a specified element in a span of elements with another specified element. Declaration public static void Replace<T>(this Span<T> haystack, T needle, T replacement) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description Span <T> haystack The source span. T needle The element to replace. T replacement The replacement element. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in haystack . | Improve this Doc View Source Split<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, T) Splits a span of elements into sub-spans based on a delimiting element. Declaration public static SpanSplitEnumerator<T> Split<T>(this in ReadOnlySpan<T> source, T delimiter) where T : struct, IEquatable<T> Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <T> source The span to split. T delimiter The delimiting element. Returns Type Description SpanSplitEnumerator <T> An enumerator which wraps source and delimits the elements based on delimiter . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Split<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>) Splits a span of elements into sub-spans based on a span of delimiting elements. Declaration public static SpanSplitEnumerator<T> Split<T>(this in ReadOnlySpan<T> source, in ReadOnlySpan<T> delimiter) where T : struct, IEquatable<T> Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <T> source The span to split. ReadOnlySpan <T> delimiter The span of delimiting elements. Returns Type Description SpanSplitEnumerator <T> An enumerator which wraps source and delimits the elements based on delimiter . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Split<T>(Span<T>, T) Splits a span of elements into sub-spans based on a delimiting element. Declaration public static SpanSplitEnumerator<T> Split<T>(this in Span<T> source, T delimiter) where T : struct, IEquatable<T> Parameters Type Name Description Span <T> source The span to split. T delimiter The delimiting element. Returns Type Description SpanSplitEnumerator <T> An enumerator which wraps source and delimits the elements based on delimiter . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source Split<T>(Span<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>) Splits a span of elements into sub-spans based on a span of delimiting elements. Declaration public static SpanSp
"api/X10D.Collections.SpanSplitEnumerator-1.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.SpanSplitEnumerator-1.html",
"title": "Struct SpanSplitEnumerator<T> | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct SpanSplitEnumerator<T> Enumerates the elements of a . Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct SpanSplitEnumerator<T> where T : struct, IEquatable<T> Type Parameters Name Description T The type of elements in the span. Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source SpanSplitEnumerator(ReadOnlySpan<T>, T) Initializes a new instance of the SpanSplitEnumerator<T> struct. Declaration public SpanSplitEnumerator(ReadOnlySpan<T> source, T delimiter) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <T> source The source span. T delimiter The delimiting element. | Improve this Doc View Source SpanSplitEnumerator(ReadOnlySpan<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>) Initializes a new instance of the SpanSplitEnumerator<T> struct. Declaration public SpanSplitEnumerator(ReadOnlySpan<T> source, ReadOnlySpan<T> delimiter) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <T> source The source span. ReadOnlySpan <T> delimiter The delimiting span of elements. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Current Gets the element at the current position of the enumerator. Declaration public ReadOnlySpan<T> Current { get; } Property Value Type Description ReadOnlySpan <T> The element in the at the current position of the enumerator. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetEnumerator() Returns the current enumerator. Declaration public SpanSplitEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() Returns Type Description SpanSplitEnumerator <T> The current instance of SpanSplitEnumerator<T> . Remarks This method exists to provide the ability to enumerate within a foreach loop. It should not be called manually. | Improve this Doc View Source MoveNext() Advances the enumerator to the next element of the . Declaration public bool MoveNext() Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the span."
"api/X10D.Collections.StackExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Collections.StackExtensions.html",
"title": "Class StackExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class StackExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object StackExtensions Namespace : X10D.Collections Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class StackExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopAll<TElement>(Stack<TElement>) Removes and returns each element from the stack starting at the top, until the stack is empty. Declaration public static IEnumerable<TElement> PopAll<TElement>(this Stack<TElement> stack) Parameters Type Name Description Stack <TElement> stack The stack from which the elements will be removed. Returns Type Description IEnumerable <TElement> Type Parameters Name Description TElement The type of the element. | Improve this Doc View Source PushAll<TElement>(Stack<TElement>, IEnumerable<TElement>) Adds an enumerable collection of objects to the top of the , in the order that they were enumerated. Declaration public static void PushAll<TElement>(this Stack<TElement> stack, IEnumerable<TElement> values) Parameters Type Name Description Stack <TElement> stack The stack to which the elements will be added. IEnumerable <TElement> values An enumerable collection of elements to push. Type Parameters Name Description TElement The type of the element."
"api/X10D.Core.EnumExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.EnumExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EnumExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class EnumExtensions Extension methods for langword_csharp_enum types. Inheritance System.Object EnumExtensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class EnumExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Next<T>(T) Returns the value which is defined proceeding this value in the enumeration. Declaration public static T Next<T>(this T value) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description T value The value whose proceeding value to retrieve. Returns Type Description T A value of T that is considered to be the next value defined after value , or the first value if value is the final field of the enumeration. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the enumeration. | Improve this Doc View Source NextUnchecked<T>(T) Returns the value which is defined proceeding this value in the enumeration. Declaration public static T NextUnchecked<T>(this T value) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description T value The value whose proceeding value to retrieve. Returns Type Description T A value of T that is considered to be the next value defined after value . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the enumeration. | Improve this Doc View Source Previous<T>(T) Returns the value which is defined preceeding this value in the enumeration. Declaration public static T Previous<T>(this T value) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description T value The value whose preceeding value to retrieve. Returns Type Description T A value of T that is considered to be the previous value defined after value , or the last value if value is the first field of the enumeration. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the enumeration. | Improve this Doc View Source PreviousUnchecked<T>(T) Returns the value which is defined preceeding this value in the enumeration. Declaration public static T PreviousUnchecked<T>(this T value) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description T value The value whose preceeding value to retrieve. Returns Type Description T A value of T that is considered to be the previous value defined after value , or the last value if value is the first field of the enumeration. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the enumeration."
"api/X10D.Core.Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Extensions Extension methods which apply to all types. Inheritance System.Object Extensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsArrayValue<T>(T) Returns an array containing the specified value. Declaration public static T[] AsArrayValue<T>(this T value) Parameters Type Name Description T value The value to encapsulate. Returns Type Description T[] An array of type T with length 1, whose only element is value . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of value . | Improve this Doc View Source AsEnumerableValue<T>(T) Returns an enumerable collection containing the specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerableValue<T>(this T value) Parameters Type Name Description T value The value to encapsulate. Returns Type Description IEnumerable <T> An enumerable collection of type T , whose only element is value . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of value . | Improve this Doc View Source RepeatValue<T>(T, Int32) Returns an enumerable collection containing the current value repeated a specified number of times. Declaration public static IEnumerable<T> RepeatValue<T>(this T value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description T value The value to repeat. System.Int32 count The number of times to repeat value . Returns Type Description IEnumerable <T> An enumerable collection containing value repeated count times. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of value ."
"api/X10D.Core.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Core | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Core Classes EnumExtensions Extension methods for langword_csharp_enum types. Extensions Extension methods which apply to all types. IntrinsicExtensions Extension methods for SIMD vectors, namely , and . IntrinsicUtility Provides utility methods for SIMD vector that is currently missing on common hardware instruction set. NullableExtensions Extension methods for RandomExtensions Extension methods for . RangeExtensions Extension methods for . SpanExtensions Extension methods for and . Structs RangeEnumerator Enumerates the indices of a ."
"api/X10D.Core.IntrinsicExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.IntrinsicExtensions.html",
"title": "Class IntrinsicExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class IntrinsicExtensions Extension methods for SIMD vectors, namely , and . Inheritance System.Object IntrinsicExtensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class IntrinsicExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CorrectBoolean(Vector128<Byte>) Correcting of langword_csharp_byte into 0 and 1 depend on their boolean truthiness. Operation: for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { dest[i] = vector[i] == 0 ? 0 : 1; } Declaration public static Vector128<byte> CorrectBoolean(this Vector128<byte> vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector128 < System.Byte > vector Vector of byte to correct. Returns Type Description Vector128 < System.Byte > A of langword_csharp_byte which remapped back to 0 and 1 based on boolean truthiness. | Improve this Doc View Source CorrectBoolean(Vector256<Byte>) Correcting of langword_csharp_byte into 0 and 1 depend on their boolean truthiness. Operation: for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { dest[i] = vector[i] == 0 ? 0 : 1; } Declaration public static Vector256<byte> CorrectBoolean(this Vector256<byte> vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector256 < System.Byte > vector Vector of byte to correct. Returns Type Description Vector256 < System.Byte > A of langword_csharp_byte which remapped back to 0 and 1 based on boolean truthiness. | Improve this Doc View Source CorrectBoolean(Vector64<Byte>) Correcting of langword_csharp_byte into 0 and 1 depend on their boolean truthiness. Operation: for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { dest[i] = vector[i] == 0 ? 0 : 1; } Declaration public static Vector64<byte> CorrectBoolean(this Vector64<byte> vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector64 < System.Byte > vector Vector of byte to correct. Returns Type Description Vector64 < System.Byte > A of langword_csharp_byte which remapped back to 0 and 1 based on boolean truthiness. | Improve this Doc View Source ReverseElements(Vector128<UInt64>) Reverse position of 2 64-bit unsigned integer. Operation: dest[1] = vector[0]; dest[0] = vector[1]; Declaration public static Vector128<ulong> ReverseElements(this Vector128<ulong> vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector128 < System.UInt64 > vector Input vector. Returns Type Description Vector128 < System.UInt64 > A of langword_csharp_ulong with elements the same as input vector except their positions (or indices) are reversed."
"api/X10D.Core.IntrinsicUtility.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.IntrinsicUtility.html",
"title": "Class IntrinsicUtility | X10D",
"keywords": "Class IntrinsicUtility Provides utility methods for SIMD vector that is currently missing on common hardware instruction set. Inheritance System.Object IntrinsicUtility Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class IntrinsicUtility : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalOr(Vector128<Int32>, Vector128<Int32>) Horizontally apply OR operation on adjacent pairs of single-precision (32-bit) floating-point elements in lhs and rhs. Operation: dest[0] = left[0] | left[1]; dest[1] = left[2] | left[3]; dest[2] = right[0] | right[1]; dest[3] = right[2] | right[3]; Declaration public static Vector128<int> HorizontalOr(Vector128<int> left, Vector128<int> right) Parameters Type Name Description Vector128 < System.Int32 > left Left vector. Vector128 < System.Int32 > right Right vector. Returns Type Description Vector128 < System.Int32 > A of langword_csharp_float with all elements is result of OR operation on adjacent pairs of elements in lhs and rhs. | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalOr(Vector128<UInt32>, Vector128<UInt32>) Horizontally apply OR operation on adjacent pairs of 32-bit unsigned integer elements in lhs and rhs. Operation: dest[0] = left[0] | left[1]; dest[1] = left[2] | left[3]; dest[2] = right[0] | right[1]; dest[3] = right[2] | right[3]; Declaration public static Vector128<uint> HorizontalOr(Vector128<uint> left, Vector128<uint> right) Parameters Type Name Description Vector128 < System.UInt32 > left Left vector. Vector128 < System.UInt32 > right Right vector. Returns Type Description Vector128 < System.UInt32 > A of langword_csharp_uint with all elements is result of OR operation on adjacent pairs of elements in lhs and rhs. | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(Vector128<Int64>, Vector128<Int64>) Multiply packed 64-bit signed integer elements in a and b and truncate the results to 64-bit integer. Operation: dest[0] = left[0] * right[0]; dest[1] = left[1] * right[1]; Declaration public static Vector128<long> Multiply(Vector128<long> lhs, Vector128<long> rhs) Parameters Type Name Description Vector128 < System.Int64 > lhs Left vector. Vector128 < System.Int64 > rhs Right vector. Returns Type Description Vector128 < System.Int64 > A of langword_csharp_long whose elements is 64-bit truncated product of lhs and rhs. | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(Vector128<UInt64>, Vector128<UInt64>) Multiply packed 64-bit unsigned integer elements in a and b and truncate the results to 64-bit integer. Operation: dest[0] = left[0] * right[0]; dest[1] = left[1] * right[1]; Declaration public static Vector128<ulong> Multiply(Vector128<ulong> left, Vector128<ulong> right) Parameters Type Name Description Vector128 < System.UInt64 > left Left vector. Vector128 < System.UInt64 > right Right vector. Returns Type Description Vector128 < System.UInt64 > The truncated product vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(Vector256<Int64>, Vector256<Int64>) Multiply packed 64-bit signed integer elements in a and b and truncate the results to 64-bit integer. Operation: dest[0] = left[0] * right[0]; dest[1] = left[1] * right[1]; dest[2] = left[2] * right[2]; dest[3] = left[3] * right[3]; Declaration public static Vector256<long> Multiply(Vector256<long> lhs, Vector256<long> rhs) Parameters Type Name Description Vector256 < System.Int64 > lhs Left vector. Vector256 < System.Int64 > rhs Right vector. Returns Type Description Vector256 < System.Int64 > A of langword_csharp_ulong whose elements is 64-bit truncated product of lhs and rhs. | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(Vector256<UInt64>, Vector256<UInt64>) Multiply packed 64-bit unsigned integer elements in a and b and truncate the results to 64-bit integer. Operation: dest[0] = left[0] * right[0]; dest[1] = left[1] * right[1]; dest[2] = left[2] * right[2]; dest[3] = left[3] * right[3]; Declaration public static Vector256<ulong> Multiply(Vector256<ulong> lhs, Vector256<ulong> rhs) Parameters Type Name Description Vector256 < System.UInt64 > lhs Left vector. Vector256 < System.UInt64 > rhs Right vector. Returns Type Des
"api/X10D.Core.NullableExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.NullableExtensions.html",
"title": "Class NullableExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class NullableExtensions Extension methods for Inheritance System.Object NullableExtensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class NullableExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source TryGetValue<T>(Nullable<T>, out T) Attempts to get the value of a , and returns a value indicating the success of the operation. Declaration public static bool TryGetValue<T>(this T? value, out T result) where T : struct Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable <T> value The nullable value. T result When this method returns, contains the result of , if is true ; otherwise, returns the default value for T . Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the value's is true ; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the value."
"api/X10D.Core.RandomExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.RandomExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RandomExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class RandomExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object RandomExtensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class RandomExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Next<T>(Random) Returns a random value that defined in a specified enum. Declaration public static T Next<T>(this Random random) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description T A T value at index n where n = . Type Parameters Name Description T An enum type. | Improve this Doc View Source NextBoolean(Random) Returns either true or false based on the next generation of the current . Declaration public static bool NextBoolean(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the return value from is greater than or equal to 0.5 -or- false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source NextByte(Random) Returns a non-negative random integer. Declaration public static byte NextByte(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description System.Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer that is greater than or equal to 0, and less than . | Improve this Doc View Source NextByte(Random, Byte) Returns a non-negative random integer. Declaration public static byte NextByte(this Random random, byte maxValue) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. System.Byte maxValue The exclusive upper bound of the random number to be generated. maxValue must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description System.Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer that is greater than or equal to 0, and less than maxValue ; that is, the range of return values ordinarily includes 0 but not maxValue . However, if maxValue equals 0, maxValue is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source NextByte(Random, Byte, Byte) Returns a non-negative random integer. Declaration public static byte NextByte(this Random random, byte minValue, byte maxValue) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. System.Byte minValue The inclusive lower bound of the random number to be generated. System.Byte maxValue The exclusive upper bound of the random number to be generated. maxValue must be greater than or equal to minValue . Returns Type Description System.Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer greater than or equal to minValue and less than maxValue ; that is, the range of return values includes minValue but not maxValue . If minValue equals maxValue , minValue is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source NextDouble(Random, Double) Returns a non-negative random double-precision floating point number that is less than the specified maximum. Declaration public static double NextDouble(this Random random, double maxValue) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. System.Double maxValue The exclusive upper bound of the random number returned. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. Returns Type Description System.Double A random double-precision floating point number that is greater than or equal to 0, and less than maxValue . | Improve this Doc View Source NextDouble(Random, Double, Double) Returns a random double-precision floating point number that is within a specified range. Declaration public static double NextDouble(this Random random, double minValue, double maxValue) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. System.Double minValue The inclusive lower bound of the random number returned. System.Double maxValue The exclusive upper bound of the random number returned. This value must be greater than or equal to minValue . Returns Type Description System.Double A random double-precision floating point number between minValue and maxValue . | Improve this Doc View Source NextFrom<T>(Random, IEnumerable<T>) Returns a random element from source using the instance. Declaration public static T NextFrom<T>(this Random random, IEnumerable<T> source) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance.
"api/X10D.Core.RangeEnumerator.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.RangeEnumerator.html",
"title": "Struct RangeEnumerator | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct RangeEnumerator Enumerates the indices of a . Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct RangeEnumerator Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source RangeEnumerator(Range) Initializes a new instance of the RangeEnumerator structure. Declaration public RangeEnumerator(Range range) Parameters Type Name Description Range range The range over which to enumerate. Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Current Gets the element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Declaration public int Current { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 The element in the collection at the current position of the enumerator. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source MoveNext() Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection. Declaration public bool MoveNext() Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. Extension Methods Extensions.AsArrayValue<T>(T) Extensions.AsEnumerableValue<T>(T) Extensions.RepeatValue<T>(T, Int32) Extensions.ToJson<T>(T, Nullable<JsonSerializerOptions>)"
"api/X10D.Core.RangeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.RangeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RangeExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class RangeExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object RangeExtensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class RangeExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetEnumerator(Range) Allows the ability to use a for loop to iterate over the indices of a . The indices of the range are the inclusive lower and upper bounds of the enumeration. Declaration public static RangeEnumerator GetEnumerator(this Range range) Parameters Type Name Description Range range The range whose indices over which will be enumerated. Returns Type Description RangeEnumerator A RangeEnumerator that will enumerate over the indices of range . Remarks This method aims to implement Python-esque for loops in C# by taking advantage of the language syntax used to define a value. Negative bounds may be specified using the C# ^ operator, or by providing an whose property is true . Examples The following example counts from 0 to 10 inclusive: foreach (var i in 0..10) { Console.WriteLine(i); } To use negative bounds, use the ^ operator. The following example counts from -5 to 5 inclusive: foreach (var i in ^5..5) { Console.WriteLine(i); } Decrementing enumeration is supported. The following example counts from 5 to -5 inclusive: foreach (var i in 5..^5) { Console.WriteLine(i); }"
"api/X10D.Core.SpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Core.SpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SpanExtensions Extension methods for and . Inheritance System.Object SpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Core Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Contains<T>(ReadOnlySpan<T>, T) Returns a value indicating whether a specific enumeration value is contained with the current readonly span of elements. Declaration public static bool Contains<T>(this ReadOnlySpan<T> span, T value) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <T> span The readonly span of elements. T value The value to search for. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is contained with span ; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in span . | Improve this Doc View Source Contains<T>(Span<T>, T) Returns a value indicating whether a specific enumeration value is contained with the current span of elements. Declaration public static bool Contains<T>(this Span<T> span, T value) where T : struct, Enum Parameters Type Name Description Span <T> span The span of elements. T value The value to search for. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is contained with span ; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in span . | Improve this Doc View Source PackByte(ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static byte PackByte(this ReadOnlySpan<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackByte(Span<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static byte PackByte(this Span<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Byte An 8-bit unsigned integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt16(ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static short PackInt16(this ReadOnlySpan<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int16 A 16-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt16(Span<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static short PackInt16(this Span<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int16 A 16-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt32(ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static int PackInt32(this ReadOnlySpan<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A 32-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt32(Span<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static int PackInt32(this Span<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A 32-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt64(ReadOnlySpan<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static long PackInt64(this ReadOnlySpan<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int64 A 64-bit signed integer containing the packed booleans. | Improve this Doc View Source PackInt64(Span<Boolean>) Packs a of booleans into a . Declaration public static long PackInt64(this Span<bool> source) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Boolean > source The span of booleans to pack. Returns Type Description System.Int64 A 64-bit signed integer containing the pa
"api/X10D.Drawing.Circle.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Circle.html",
"title": "Struct Circle | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct Circle Represents a circle that is composed of a 32-bit signed integer center point and radius. Implements IEquatable < Circle > IComparable < Circle > IComparable Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct Circle : IEquatable<Circle>, IComparable<Circle>, IComparable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Circle(Point, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Circle struct. Declaration public Circle(Point center, int radius) Parameters Type Name Description Point center The center point of the circle. System.Int32 radius The radius of the circle. | Improve this Doc View Source Circle(Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Circle struct. Declaration public Circle(int centerX, int centerY, int radius) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 centerX The X coordinate of the center point. System.Int32 centerY The Y coordinate of the center point. System.Int32 radius The radius of the circle. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Circle The unit circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 1. Declaration public static readonly Circle Field Value Type Description Circle | Improve this Doc View Source Circle The unit circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 1. Declaration public static readonly Circle Field Value Type Description Circle | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 0. Declaration public static readonly Circle Empty Field Value Type Description Circle | Improve this Doc View Source Unit The unit circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 1. Declaration public static readonly Circle Unit Field Value Type Description Circle Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Area Gets the area of the circle. Declaration public float Area { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The area of the circle, calculated as πr² . | Improve this Doc View Source Center Gets the center point of the circle. Declaration public Point Center { get; } Property Value Type Description Point The center point. | Improve this Doc View Source Circumference Gets the circumference of the circle. Declaration public float Circumference { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The circumference of the circle, calculated as 2πr . | Improve this Doc View Source Diameter Gets the diameter of the circle. Declaration public int Diameter { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 The diameter. This is always twice the Radius . | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius of the circle. Declaration public int Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 The radius. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Nullable<Object>) Compares this instance to another Circle . Declaration public int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj The other object. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and obj . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Radius of this instance is less than that of obj . Zero This instance is equal to obj , or the Radius of both this instance and obj are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Radius of this instance is greater than that of obj , or obj is null . Remarks Comparison only takes into consideration the Radius . | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Circle) Compares this instance to another Circle . Declaration public int CompareTo(Circle other) Parameters Type Name Description Circle other The other circle. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and other . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Radius of this instance is less than that of other . Zero This instance is equal to other , or the Radius of both this instance and other are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Radius of this instance is greater than that of oth
"api/X10D.Drawing.CircleF.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.CircleF.html",
"title": "Struct CircleF | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct CircleF Represents a circle that is composed of a single-precision floating-point center point and radius. Implements IEquatable < CircleF > IComparable < CircleF > IComparable Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct CircleF : IEquatable<CircleF>, IComparable<CircleF>, IComparable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source CircleF(PointF, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CircleF struct. Declaration public CircleF(PointF center, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description PointF center The center point of the circle. System.Single radius The radius of the circle. | Improve this Doc View Source CircleF(Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CircleF struct. Declaration public CircleF(float centerX, float centerY, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single centerX The X coordinate of the center point. System.Single centerY The Y coordinate of the center point. System.Single radius The radius of the circle. | Improve this Doc View Source CircleF(Vector2, Single) Initializes a new instance of the CircleF struct. Declaration public CircleF(Vector2 center, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 center The center point of the circle. System.Single radius The radius of the circle. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source CircleF The unit circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 1. Declaration public static readonly CircleF Field Value Type Description CircleF | Improve this Doc View Source CircleF The unit circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 1. Declaration public static readonly CircleF Field Value Type Description CircleF | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 0. Declaration public static readonly CircleF Empty Field Value Type Description CircleF | Improve this Doc View Source Unit The unit circle. That is, a circle whose center point is (0, 0) and whose radius is 1. Declaration public static readonly CircleF Unit Field Value Type Description CircleF Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Area Gets the area of the circle. Declaration public float Area { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The area of the circle, calculated as πr² . | Improve this Doc View Source Center Gets the center point of the circle. Declaration public PointF Center { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The center point. | Improve this Doc View Source Circumference Gets the circumference of the circle. Declaration public float Circumference { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The circumference of the circle, calculated as 2πr . | Improve this Doc View Source Diameter Gets the diameter of the circle. Declaration public float Diameter { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The diameter. This is always twice the Radius . | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius of the circle. Declaration public float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The radius. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Nullable<Object>) Compares this instance to another CircleF . Declaration public int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj The other object. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and obj . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Radius of this instance is less than that of obj . Zero This instance is equal to obj , or the Radius of both this instance and obj are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Radius of this instance is greater than that of obj , or obj is null . Remarks Comparison only takes into consideration the Radius . | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(CircleF) Compares this instance to another CircleF . Declaration public int CompareTo(CircleF other) Parameters Type Name Description CircleF other The other circle. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A
"api/X10D.Drawing.ColorExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.ColorExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ColorExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ColorExtensions Drawing-related extensions for . Inheritance System.Object ColorExtensions Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ColorExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(Color, out Byte, out Byte, out Byte) Deconstructs the current color into its RGB components. Declaration public static void Deconstruct(this Color color, out byte r, out byte g, out byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The source color. System.Byte r When this method returns, contains the component of color . System.Byte g When this method returns, contains the component of color . System.Byte b When this method returns, contains the component of color . | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(Color, out Byte, out Byte, out Byte, out Byte) Deconstructs the current color into its ARGB components. Declaration public static void Deconstruct(this Color color, out byte a, out byte r, out byte g, out byte b) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The source color. System.Byte a When this method returns, contains the component of color . System.Byte r When this method returns, contains the component of color . System.Byte g When this method returns, contains the component of color . System.Byte b When this method returns, contains the component of color . | Improve this Doc View Source GetClosestConsoleColor(Color) Returns a which most closely resembles the current color. Declaration public static ConsoleColor GetClosestConsoleColor(this Color color) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The source color. Returns Type Description ConsoleColor The closest . | Improve this Doc View Source Inverted(Color) Returns a new with the red, green, and blue components inverted. Alpha is not affected. Declaration public static Color Inverted(this Color color) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color to invert. Returns Type Description Color The inverted color. | Improve this Doc View Source WithA(Color, Int32) Returns a vector whose red, green, and blue components are the same as the specified color, and whose alpha component is a new value. Declaration public static Color WithA(this Color color, int a) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color to copy. System.Int32 a The new alpha component value. Returns Type Description Color A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of color , and whose component is a . | Improve this Doc View Source WithB(Color, Int32) Returns a vector whose red, green, and alpha components are the same as the specified color, and whose blue component is a new value. Declaration public static Color WithB(this Color color, int b) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color to copy. System.Int32 b The new blue component value. Returns Type Description Color A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of color , and whose component is b . | Improve this Doc View Source WithG(Color, Int32) Returns a vector whose red, blue, and alpha components are the same as the specified color, and whose green component is a new value. Declaration public static Color WithG(this Color color, int g) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color to copy. System.Int32 g The new green component value. Returns Type Description Color A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of color , and whose component is g . | Improve this Doc View Source WithR(Color, Int32) Returns a vector whose green, blue, and alpha components are the same as the specified color, and whose red component is a new value. Declaration public static Color WithR(this Color color, int r) Parameters Type Name Description Color color The color to copy. System.Int32 r The new red component value. Returns Type Description Color A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of color , and whose component is r ."
"api/X10D.Drawing.Cuboid.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Cuboid.html",
"title": "Struct Cuboid | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct Cuboid Represents a cuboid in 3D space, which uses single-precision floating-point numbers for its coordinates. Implements IEquatable < Cuboid > Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct Cuboid : IEquatable<Cuboid> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Cuboid struct. Declaration public Cuboid(float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float width, float height, float depth) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single centerX The center X coordinate. System.Single centerY The center Y coordinate. System.Single centerZ The center Z coordinate. System.Single width The width. System.Single height The height. System.Single depth The depth. | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid(Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Cuboid struct. Declaration public Cuboid(float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float width, float height, float depth, float yaw, float pitch, float roll) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single centerX The center X coordinate. System.Single centerY The center Y coordinate. System.Single centerZ The center Z coordinate. System.Single width The width. System.Single height The height. System.Single depth The depth. System.Single yaw The yaw. System.Single pitch The pitch. System.Single roll The roll. | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid(Vector3, Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Cuboid struct. Declaration public Cuboid(in Vector3 center, in Vector3 size) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 center The center point. Vector3 size The size. | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid(Vector3, Vector3, Quaternion) Initializes a new instance of the Cuboid struct. Declaration public Cuboid(in Vector3 center, in Vector3 size, in Quaternion orientation) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 center The center point. Vector3 size The size. Quaternion orientation The orientation of the cuboid. | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Cuboid struct. Declaration public Cuboid(in Vector3 center, in Vector3 size, in Vector3 orientation) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 center The center point. Vector3 size The size. Vector3 orientation The orientation of the cuboid. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid A cube. That is, a cuboid whose size is the same in all three dimensions. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Field Value Type Description Cuboid A cube with the size (1, 1, 1). | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid A cube. That is, a cuboid whose size is the same in all three dimensions. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Field Value Type Description Cuboid A cube with the size (1, 1, 1). | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid A cube. That is, a cuboid whose size is the same in all three dimensions. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Field Value Type Description Cuboid A cube with the size (1, 1, 1). | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid A cube. That is, a cuboid whose size is the same in all three dimensions. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Field Value Type Description Cuboid A cube with the size (1, 1, 1). | Improve this Doc View Source Cuboid A cube. That is, a cuboid whose size is the same in all three dimensions. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Field Value Type Description Cuboid A cube with the size (1, 1, 1). | Improve this Doc View Source Cube A cube. That is, a cuboid whose size is the same in all three dimensions. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Cube Field Value Type Description Cuboid A cube with the size (1, 1, 1). | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty cuboid. That is, a cuboid whose size is zero. Declaration public static readonly Cuboid Empty Field Value Type Description Cuboid Properties | Improve this Doc View Source BackBottomLeft Gets the back-bottom-right corner of the box, in world space. Declaration public Vector3 BackBottomLeft { get; } Property
"api/X10D.Drawing.Ellipse.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Ellipse.html",
"title": "Struct Ellipse | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct Ellipse Represents an ellipse that is composed of a 32-bit signed integer center point and radius. Implements IEquatable < Ellipse > Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct Ellipse : IEquatable<Ellipse> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Ellipse(Point, Size) Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse struct. Declaration public Ellipse(Point center, Size radius) Parameters Type Name Description Point center The center point of the ellipse. Size radius The radius of the ellipse. | Improve this Doc View Source Ellipse(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse struct. Declaration public Ellipse(int centerX, int centerY, int horizontalRadius, int verticalRadius) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 centerX The X coordinate of the center point. System.Int32 centerY The Y coordinate of the center point. System.Int32 horizontalRadius The horizontal radius of the ellipse. System.Int32 verticalRadius The vertical radius of the ellipse. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Ellipse The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly Ellipse Field Value Type Description Ellipse | Improve this Doc View Source Ellipse The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly Ellipse Field Value Type Description Ellipse | Improve this Doc View Source Ellipse The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly Ellipse Field Value Type Description Ellipse | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 0. Declaration public static readonly Ellipse Empty Field Value Type Description Ellipse | Improve this Doc View Source Unit The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly Ellipse Unit Field Value Type Description Ellipse Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ApproximateCircumference Gets the approximate circumference of the ellipse. Declaration public float ApproximateCircumference { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The approximate circumference of the ellipse, calculated as π(a+b)(3([(a-b)²]/(a+b)²(sqrt(-3(((a-b)²)/(a+b)²)+4+10))+1) . | Improve this Doc View Source Area Gets the area of the ellipse. Declaration public float Area { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The area of the ellipse, calculated as πab . | Improve this Doc View Source Center Gets the center point of the ellipse. Declaration public Point Center { get; } Property Value Type Description Point The center point. | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalRadius Gets the horizontal radius of the ellipse. Declaration public int HorizontalRadius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 The horizontal radius. | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius of the ellipse. Declaration public Size Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description Size The radius. | Improve this Doc View Source VerticalRadius Gets the vertical radius of the ellipse. Declaration public int VerticalRadius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 The vertical radius. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Ellipse) Returns a value indicating whether this instance and another instance are equal. Declaration public bool Equals(Ellipse other) Parameters Type Name Description Ellipse other The instance with which to compare. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this instance and other are considered equal; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source FromCircle(Circle) Converts a Circle to an Ellipse . Declaration
"api/X10D.Drawing.EllipseF.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.EllipseF.html",
"title": "Struct EllipseF | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct EllipseF Represents an ellipse that is composed of a single-precision floating-point center point and radius. Implements IEquatable < EllipseF > Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct EllipseF : IEquatable<EllipseF> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF(PointF, SizeF) Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse struct. Declaration public EllipseF(PointF center, SizeF radius) Parameters Type Name Description PointF center The center point of the ellipse. SizeF radius The radius of the ellipse. | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF(PointF, Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse struct. Declaration public EllipseF(PointF center, Vector2 radius) Parameters Type Name Description PointF center The center point of the ellipse. Vector2 radius The radius of the ellipse. | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the EllipseF struct. Declaration public EllipseF(float centerX, float centerY, float horizontalRadius, float verticalRadius) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single centerX The X coordinate of the center point. System.Single centerY The Y coordinate of the center point. System.Single horizontalRadius The horizontal radius of the ellipse. System.Single verticalRadius The vertical radius of the ellipse. | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF(Vector2, Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the Ellipse struct. Declaration public EllipseF(Vector2 center, Vector2 radius) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 center The center point of the ellipse. Vector2 radius The radius of the ellipse. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly EllipseF Field Value Type Description EllipseF | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly EllipseF Field Value Type Description EllipseF | Improve this Doc View Source EllipseF The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly EllipseF Field Value Type Description EllipseF | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 0. Declaration public static readonly EllipseF Empty Field Value Type Description EllipseF | Improve this Doc View Source Unit The unit ellipse. That is, an ellipse whose center point is (0, 0) and whose two radii are 1. Declaration public static readonly EllipseF Unit Field Value Type Description EllipseF Properties | Improve this Doc View Source ApproximateCircumference Gets the approximate circumference of the ellipse. Declaration public float ApproximateCircumference { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The approximate circumference of the ellipse, calculated as π(a+b)(3([(a-b)²]/(a+b)²(sqrt(-3(((a-b)²)/(a+b)²)+4+10))+1) . | Improve this Doc View Source Area Gets the area of the ellipse. Declaration public float Area { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The area of the ellipse, calculated as πab . | Improve this Doc View Source Center Gets the center point of the ellipse. Declaration public PointF Center { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The center point. | Improve this Doc View Source HorizontalRadius Gets the horizontal radius of the ellipse. Declaration public float HorizontalRadius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The horizontal radius. | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius of the ellipse. Declaration public SizeF Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description SizeF The radius. | Improve this Doc View Source VerticalRadius Gets the vertical radius of the ellipse. Declaration public float VerticalRadius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The vertical radius. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nulla
"api/X10D.Drawing.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Drawing | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Drawing Classes ColorExtensions Drawing-related extensions for . PointExtensions Drawing-related extension methods for . PointFExtensions Drawing-related extension methods for . Polygon Represents a 2D polygon composed of 32-bit signed integer vertices. PolygonF Represents a 2D polygon composed of single-precision floating-vertex vertices. Polyhedron Represents a 3D polyhedron composed of single-precision floating-point points. RandomExtensions Extension methods for . SizeExtensions Drawing-related extension methods for . Structs Circle Represents a circle that is composed of a 32-bit signed integer center point and radius. CircleF Represents a circle that is composed of a single-precision floating-point center point and radius. Cuboid Represents a cuboid in 3D space, which uses single-precision floating-point numbers for its coordinates. Ellipse Represents an ellipse that is composed of a 32-bit signed integer center point and radius. EllipseF Represents an ellipse that is composed of a single-precision floating-point center point and radius. Line Represents a line in 2D space that is composed of 32-bit signed integer X and Y coordinates. Line3D Represents a line in 3D space that is composed of single-precision floating-point X, Y and Z coordinates. LineF Represents a line in 2D space that is composed of single-precision floating-point X and Y coordinates. Sphere Represents a sphere in 3D space, which uses single-precision floating-point numbers for its coordinates."
"api/X10D.Drawing.Line.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Line.html",
"title": "Struct Line | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct Line Represents a line in 2D space that is composed of 32-bit signed integer X and Y coordinates. Implements IEquatable < Line > IComparable < Line > IComparable Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct Line : IEquatable<Line>, IComparable<Line>, IComparable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Line(Point, Point) Initializes a new instance of the Line struct by taking the start and end points. Declaration public Line(Point start, Point end) Parameters Type Name Description Point start The start point. Point end The end point. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty line. That is, a line whose start and end points are at (0, 0). Declaration public static readonly Line Empty Field Value Type Description Line | Improve this Doc View Source One The line whose start point is at (0, 0) and end point is at (1, 1). Declaration public static readonly Line One Field Value Type Description Line | Improve this Doc View Source UnitX The line whose start point is at (0, 0) and end point is at (1, 0). Declaration public static readonly Line UnitX Field Value Type Description Line | Improve this Doc View Source UnitY The line whose start point is at (0, 0) and end point is at (0, 1). Declaration public static readonly Line UnitY Field Value Type Description Line Properties | Improve this Doc View Source End Gets the end point of the line. Declaration public Point End { get; } Property Value Type Description Point The end point. | Improve this Doc View Source Length Gets the length of this line. Declaration public float Length { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The length. | Improve this Doc View Source LengthSquared Gets the length of this line, squared. Declaration public float LengthSquared { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The squared length. | Improve this Doc View Source Start Gets the start point of the line. Declaration public Point Start { get; } Property Value Type Description Point The start point. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Nullable<Object>) Compares this instance to another object. Declaration public int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj The object with with which to compare Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and obj . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Length of this instance is less than that of obj . Zero This instance is equal to obj , or the Length of both this instance and obj are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Length of this instance is greater than that of obj . Remarks Comparison internally measures the LengthSquared property to avoid calls to . obj is not an instance of Line . | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Line) Compares this instance to another Line . Declaration public int CompareTo(Line other) Parameters Type Name Description Line other Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and other . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Length of this instance is less than that of other . Zero This instance is equal to other , or the Length of both this instance and other are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Length of this instance is greater than that of other . Remarks Comparison internally measures the LengthSquared property to avoid calls to . | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Line) Returns a value indicating whether this instance and another instance are equal. Declaration public bool Equals(Line other) Parameters Type Name Description Line other The instance with which to compare. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this instance and other are considered equal; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source FromLine3D(L
"api/X10D.Drawing.Line3D.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Line3D.html",
"title": "Struct Line3D | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct Line3D Represents a line in 3D space that is composed of single-precision floating-point X, Y and Z coordinates. Implements IEquatable < Line3D > IComparable < Line3D > IComparable Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct Line3D : IEquatable<Line3D>, IComparable<Line3D>, IComparable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Line3D(Vector3, Vector3) Initializes a new instance of the Line3D struct by taking the start and end points. Declaration public Line3D(in Vector3 start, in Vector3 end) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 start The start point. Vector3 end The end point. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty line. That is, a line whose start and end points are at (0, 0). Declaration public static readonly Line3D Empty Field Value Type Description Line3D | Improve this Doc View Source One The line whose start point is at (0, 0, 0) and end point is at (1, 1, 1). Declaration public static readonly Line3D One Field Value Type Description Line3D | Improve this Doc View Source UnitX The line whose start point is at (0, 0, 0) and end point is at (1, 0, 0). Declaration public static readonly Line3D UnitX Field Value Type Description Line3D | Improve this Doc View Source UnitY The line whose start point is at (0, 0, 0) and end point is at (0, 1, 0). Declaration public static readonly Line3D UnitY Field Value Type Description Line3D | Improve this Doc View Source UnitZ The line whose start point is at (0, 0, 0) and end point is at (0, 0, 1). Declaration public static readonly Line3D UnitZ Field Value Type Description Line3D Properties | Improve this Doc View Source End Gets the end point of the line. Declaration public Vector3 End { get; } Property Value Type Description Vector3 The end point. | Improve this Doc View Source Length Gets the length of this line. Declaration public float Length { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The length. | Improve this Doc View Source LengthSquared Gets the length of this line, squared. Declaration public float LengthSquared { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The squared length. | Improve this Doc View Source Start Gets the start point of the line. Declaration public Vector3 Start { get; } Property Value Type Description Vector3 The start point. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Nullable<Object>) Compares this instance to another object. Declaration public int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj The object with with which to compare Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and obj . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Length of this instance is less than that of obj . Zero This instance is equal to obj , or the Length of both this instance and obj are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Length of this instance is greater than that of obj . Remarks Comparison internally measures the LengthSquared property to avoid calls to . obj is not an instance of Line3D . | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Line3D) Compares this instance to another Line3D . Declaration public int CompareTo(Line3D other) Parameters Type Name Description Line3D other Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and other . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Length of this instance is less than that of other . Zero This instance is equal to other , or the Length of both this instance and other are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Length of this instance is greater than that of other . Remarks Comparison internally measures the LengthSquared property to avoid calls to . | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Line3D) Returns a value indicating whether this instance and another i
"api/X10D.Drawing.LineF.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.LineF.html",
"title": "Struct LineF | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct LineF Represents a line in 2D space that is composed of single-precision floating-point X and Y coordinates. Implements IEquatable < LineF > IComparable < LineF > IComparable Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct LineF : IEquatable<LineF>, IComparable<LineF>, IComparable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source LineF(PointF, PointF) Initializes a new instance of the LineF struct by taking the start and end points. Declaration public LineF(PointF start, PointF end) Parameters Type Name Description PointF start The start point. PointF end The end point. | Improve this Doc View Source LineF(Vector2, Vector2) Initializes a new instance of the LineF struct by taking the start and end points. Declaration public LineF(Vector2 start, Vector2 end) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 start The start point. Vector2 end The end point. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty line. That is, a line whose start and end points are at (0, 0). Declaration public static readonly LineF Empty Field Value Type Description LineF | Improve this Doc View Source One The line whose start point is at (0, 0) and end point is at (1, 1). Declaration public static readonly LineF One Field Value Type Description LineF | Improve this Doc View Source UnitX The line whose start point is at (0, 0) and end point is at (1, 0). Declaration public static readonly LineF UnitX Field Value Type Description LineF | Improve this Doc View Source UnitY The line whose start point is at (0, 0) and end point is at (0, 1). Declaration public static readonly LineF UnitY Field Value Type Description LineF Properties | Improve this Doc View Source End Gets the end point of the line. Declaration public PointF End { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The end point. | Improve this Doc View Source Length Gets the length of this line. Declaration public float Length { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The length. | Improve this Doc View Source LengthSquared Gets the length of this line, squared. Declaration public float LengthSquared { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The squared length. | Improve this Doc View Source Start Gets the start point of the line. Declaration public PointF Start { get; } Property Value Type Description PointF The start point. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Nullable<Object>) Compares this instance to another object. Declaration public int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj The object with with which to compare Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and obj . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Length of this instance is less than that of obj . Zero This instance is equal to obj , or the Length of both this instance and obj are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Length of this instance is greater than that of obj . Remarks Comparison internally measures the LengthSquared property to avoid calls to . obj is not an instance of Line . | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(LineF) Compares this instance to another Line . Declaration public int CompareTo(LineF other) Parameters Type Name Description LineF other Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and other . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Length of this instance is less than that of other . Zero This instance is equal to other , or the Length of both this instance and other are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Length of this instance is greater than that of other . Remarks Comparison internally measures the LengthSquared property to avoid calls to . | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(LineF) Returns a value indicating whether th
"api/X10D.Drawing.PointExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.PointExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PointExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class PointExtensions Drawing-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object PointExtensions Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class PointExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(Point, PointF, PointF) Determines if the current lies on the specified line. Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this Point point, PointF start, PointF end) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point to check. PointF start The starting point of the line. PointF end The ending point of the line. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by start and end ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(Point, Vector2, Vector2) Determines if the current lies on the specified line. Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this Point point, Vector2 start, Vector2 end) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point to check. Vector2 start The starting point of the line. Vector2 end The ending point of the line. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by start and end ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(Point, LineF) Determines if the current lies on the specified LineF . Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this Point point, LineF line) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point to check. LineF line The line on which the point may lie. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by line ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source ToSize(Point) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static Size ToSize(this Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point to convert. Returns Type Description Size The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source ToSizeF(Point) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static SizeF ToSizeF(this Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point to convert. Returns Type Description SizeF The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector2(Point) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static Vector2 ToVector2(this Point point) Parameters Type Name Description Point point The point to convert. Returns Type Description Vector2 The resulting ."
"api/X10D.Drawing.PointFExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.PointFExtensions.html",
"title": "Class PointFExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class PointFExtensions Drawing-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object PointFExtensions Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class PointFExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(PointF, PointF, PointF) Determines if the current lies on the specified LineF . Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this PointF point, PointF start, PointF end) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point to check. PointF start The starting point of the line. PointF end The ending point of the line. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by start and end ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(PointF, Vector2, Vector2) Determines if the current lies on the specified LineF . Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this PointF point, Vector2 start, Vector2 end) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point to check. Vector2 start The starting point of the line. Vector2 end The ending point of the line. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by start and end ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(PointF, LineF) Determines if the current lies on the specified LineF . Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this PointF point, LineF line) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point to check. LineF line The line on which the point may lie. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by line ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source Round(PointF) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest integer. Declaration public static PointF Round(this PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point whose components to round. Returns Type Description PointF The rounded point. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(PointF, Single) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest multiple of a specified number. Declaration public static PointF Round(this PointF point, float nearest) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point whose components to round. System.Single nearest The nearest multiple to which the components should be rounded. Returns Type Description PointF The rounded point. | Improve this Doc View Source ToSizeF(PointF) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static SizeF ToSizeF(this PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point to convert. Returns Type Description SizeF The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector2(PointF) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static Vector2 ToVector2(this PointF point) Parameters Type Name Description PointF point The point to convert. Returns Type Description Vector2 The resulting ."
"api/X10D.Drawing.Polygon.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Polygon.html",
"title": "Class Polygon | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Polygon Represents a 2D polygon composed of 32-bit signed integer vertices. Inheritance System.Object Polygon Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public class Polygon : IEquatable<Polygon> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Polygon() Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class. Declaration public Polygon() | Improve this Doc View Source Polygon(IEnumerable<Point>) Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class by constructing it from the specified vertices. Declaration public Polygon(IEnumerable<Point> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < Point > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices from which the polygon should be constructed. | Improve this Doc View Source Polygon(Polygon) Initializes a new instance of the Polygon class by copying the specified polygon. Declaration public Polygon(Polygon polygon) Parameters Type Name Description Polygon polygon Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Gets an empty polygon. That is, a polygon with no vertices. Declaration public static Polygon Empty { get; } Property Value Type Description Polygon An empty polygon. | Improve this Doc View Source IsConvex Returns a value indicating whether this polygon is convex. Declaration public bool IsConvex { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Boolean true if this polygon is convex; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source VertexCount Gets the number of vertices in this polygon. Declaration public int VertexCount { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 An value, representing the number of vertices in this polygon. | Improve this Doc View Source Vertices Gets a read-only view of the vertices in this polygon. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<Point> Vertices { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < Point > A of values, representing the vertices of this polygon. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertex(Point) Adds a vertex to this polygon. Declaration public void AddVertex(Point vertex) Parameters Type Name Description Point vertex The vertex to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertices(IEnumerable<Point>) Adds a collection of vertices to this polygon. Declaration public void AddVertices(IEnumerable<Point> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < Point > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices to add. | Improve this Doc View Source ClearVertices() Clears all vertices from this polygon. Declaration public void ClearVertices() | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Polygon) Returns a value indicating whether this instance and another instance are equal. Declaration public bool Equals(Polygon other) Parameters Type Name Description Polygon other The instance with which to compare. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this instance and other are considered equal; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source FromPolygonF(PolygonF) Explicitly converts a Polygon to a PolygonF . Declaration public static Polygon FromPolygonF(PolygonF polygon) Parameters Type Name Description PolygonF polygon The polygon to convert. Returns Type Description Polygon The converted polygon. | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description System.Int32 Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Polygon, Polygon) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of Polygon are equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Polygon left, Polygon right) Parameters Type Name Description Polygon left The first instance. Polygon right The second instance. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if left and right are considered equal; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Explicit(PolygonF to Polygon) Explicitly converts a Polygon to a PolygonF . Declaration public static explicit operator Poly
"api/X10D.Drawing.PolygonF.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.PolygonF.html",
"title": "Class PolygonF | X10D",
"keywords": "Class PolygonF Represents a 2D polygon composed of single-precision floating-vertex vertices. Inheritance System.Object PolygonF Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public class PolygonF : object Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source PolygonF() Initializes a new instance of the PolygonF class. Declaration public PolygonF() | Improve this Doc View Source PolygonF(IEnumerable<PointF>) Initializes a new instance of the PolygonF class by constructing it from the specified vertices. Declaration public PolygonF(IEnumerable<PointF> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < PointF > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices from which the polygon should be constructed. | Improve this Doc View Source PolygonF(IEnumerable<Vector2>) Initializes a new instance of the PolygonF class by constructing it from the specified vertices. Declaration public PolygonF(IEnumerable<Vector2> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < Vector2 > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices from which the polygon should be constructed. | Improve this Doc View Source PolygonF(PolygonF) Initializes a new instance of the PolygonF class by copying the specified polygon. Declaration public PolygonF(PolygonF polygon) Parameters Type Name Description PolygonF polygon Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Gets an empty polygon. That is, a polygon with no vertices. Declaration public static PolygonF Empty { get; } Property Value Type Description PolygonF An empty polygon. | Improve this Doc View Source IsConvex Returns a value indicating whether this polygon is convex. Declaration public bool IsConvex { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Boolean true if this polygon is convex; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source VertexCount Gets the number of vertices in this polygon. Declaration public int VertexCount { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 An value, representing the number of vertices in this polygon. | Improve this Doc View Source Vertices Gets a read-only view of the vertices in this polygon. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<PointF> Vertices { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < PointF > A of values, representing the vertices of this polygon. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertex(PointF) Adds a vertex to this polygon. Declaration public void AddVertex(PointF vertex) Parameters Type Name Description PointF vertex The vertex to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertex(Vector2) Adds a vertex to this polygon. Declaration public void AddVertex(Vector2 vertex) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vertex The vertex to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertices(IEnumerable<PointF>) Adds a collection of vertices to this polygon. Declaration public void AddVertices(IEnumerable<PointF> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < PointF > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertices(IEnumerable<Vector2>) Adds a collection of vertices to this polygon. Declaration public void AddVertices(IEnumerable<Vector2> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < Vector2 > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices to add. | Improve this Doc View Source ClearVertices() Clears all vertices from this polygon. Declaration public void ClearVertices() | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(PolygonF) Returns a value indicating whether this instance and another instance are equal. Declaration public bool Equals(PolygonF other) Parameters Type Name Description PolygonF other The instance with which to compare. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this instance and other are considered equal; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source FromPolygon(Polygon) Implicitly converts a Polygon to a PolygonF . Declaration p
"api/X10D.Drawing.Polyhedron.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Polyhedron.html",
"title": "Class Polyhedron | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Polyhedron Represents a 3D polyhedron composed of single-precision floating-point points. Inheritance System.Object Polyhedron Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public class Polyhedron : IEquatable<Polyhedron> Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Polyhedron() Initializes a new instance of the Polyhedron class. Declaration public Polyhedron() | Improve this Doc View Source Polyhedron(IEnumerable<Vector3>) Initializes a new instance of the Polyhedron class by constructing it from the specified vertices. Declaration public Polyhedron(IEnumerable<Vector3> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < Vector3 > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices from which the polyhedron should be constructed. | Improve this Doc View Source Polyhedron(Polyhedron) Initializes a new instance of the Polyhedron class by copying the specified polyhedron. Declaration public Polyhedron(Polyhedron polyhedron) Parameters Type Name Description Polyhedron polyhedron Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Empty Gets an empty polyhedron. That is, a polygon with no vertices. Declaration public static Polyhedron Empty { get; } Property Value Type Description Polyhedron An empty polyhedron. | Improve this Doc View Source VertexCount Gets the number of vertices in this polyhedron. Declaration public int VertexCount { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Int32 An value, representing the number of vertices in this polyhedron. | Improve this Doc View Source Vertices Gets a read-only view of the vertices in this polyhedron. Declaration public IReadOnlyList<Vector3> Vertices { get; } Property Value Type Description IReadOnlyList < Vector3 > A of values, representing the vertices of this polyhedron. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertex(Vector3) Adds a vertex to this polyhedron. Declaration public void AddVertex(Vector3 vertex) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vertex The vertex to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddVertices(IEnumerable<Vector3>) Adds a collection of vertices to this polyhedron. Declaration public void AddVertices(IEnumerable<Vector3> vertices) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < Vector3 > vertices An enumerable collection of vertices to add. | Improve this Doc View Source ClearVertices() Clears all vertices from this polyhedron. Declaration public void ClearVertices() | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Nullable<Object>) Declaration public override bool Equals(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj Returns Type Description System.Boolean | Improve this Doc View Source Equals(Polyhedron) Returns a value indicating whether this instance and another instance are equal. Declaration public bool Equals(Polyhedron other) Parameters Type Name Description Polyhedron other The instance with which to compare. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this instance and other are considered equal; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source FromPolygon(Polygon) Converts a Polygon to a Polyhedron . Declaration public static Polyhedron FromPolygon(Polygon polygon) Parameters Type Name Description Polygon polygon The polyhedron to convert. Returns Type Description Polyhedron The converted polyhedron. | Improve this Doc View Source FromPolygonF(PolygonF) Converts a PolygonF to a Polyhedron . Declaration public static Polyhedron FromPolygonF(PolygonF polygon) Parameters Type Name Description PolygonF polygon The polyhedron to convert. Returns Type Description Polyhedron The converted polyhedron. | Improve this Doc View Source GetHashCode() Declaration public override int GetHashCode() Returns Type Description System.Int32 Operators | Improve this Doc View Source Equality(Polyhedron, Polyhedron) Returns a value indicating whether two instances of Polyhedron are equal. Declaration public static bool operator ==(Polyhedron left, Polyhedron right) Parameters Type Name Description Polyhedron left The first instance. Polyhedron right The second instance. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true
"api/X10D.Drawing.RandomExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.RandomExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RandomExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class RandomExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object RandomExtensions Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class RandomExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source NextColorArgb(Random) Returns a color composed of random components for apha, red, green, and blue. Declaration public static Color NextColorArgb(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description Color A whose alpha, red, green, and blue components are all random. | Improve this Doc View Source NextColorRgb(Random) Returns a color of random components for red, green, and blue. Declaration public static Color NextColorRgb(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description Color A whose red, green, and blue components are all random, and whose alpha is 255"
"api/X10D.Drawing.SizeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.SizeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SizeExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SizeExtensions Drawing-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SizeExtensions Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SizeExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ToPoint(Size) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static Point ToPoint(this Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Size size The size to convert. Returns Type Description Point The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source ToPointF(Size) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static PointF ToPointF(this Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Size size The size to convert. Returns Type Description PointF The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector2(Size) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static Vector2 ToVector2(this Size size) Parameters Type Name Description Size size The size to convert. Returns Type Description Vector2 The resulting ."
"api/X10D.Drawing.Sphere.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Drawing.Sphere.html",
"title": "Struct Sphere | X10D",
"keywords": "Struct Sphere Represents a sphere in 3D space, which uses single-precision floating-point numbers for its coordinates. Implements IEquatable < Sphere > IComparable < Sphere > IComparable Namespace : X10D.Drawing Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public struct Sphere : IEquatable<Sphere>, IComparable<Sphere>, IComparable Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source Sphere(Single, Single, Single, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Sphere struct. Declaration public Sphere(float centerX, float centerY, float centerZ, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single centerX The X coordinate of the center point. System.Single centerY The Y coordinate of the center point. System.Single centerZ The Z coordinate of the center point. System.Single radius The radius. | Improve this Doc View Source Sphere(Vector3, Single) Initializes a new instance of the Sphere struct. Declaration public Sphere(Vector3 center, float radius) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 center The center point. System.Single radius The radius. Fields | Improve this Doc View Source Sphere The unit sphere. That is, a sphere with a radius of 1. Declaration public static readonly Sphere Field Value Type Description Sphere | Improve this Doc View Source Sphere The unit sphere. That is, a sphere with a radius of 1. Declaration public static readonly Sphere Field Value Type Description Sphere | Improve this Doc View Source Sphere The unit sphere. That is, a sphere with a radius of 1. Declaration public static readonly Sphere Field Value Type Description Sphere | Improve this Doc View Source Empty The empty sphere. That is, a sphere with a radius of zero. Declaration public static readonly Sphere Empty Field Value Type Description Sphere | Improve this Doc View Source Unit The unit sphere. That is, a sphere with a radius of 1. Declaration public static readonly Sphere Unit Field Value Type Description Sphere Properties | Improve this Doc View Source Center Gets the center-point of the sphere. Declaration public Vector3 Center { get; } Property Value Type Description Vector3 The center point. | Improve this Doc View Source Circumference Gets the circumference of the sphere. Declaration public float Circumference { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The circumference of the sphere, calculated as 2πr . | Improve this Doc View Source Diameter Gets the diameter of the sphere. Declaration public float Diameter { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The diameter. | Improve this Doc View Source Radius Gets the radius of the sphere. Declaration public float Radius { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The radius. | Improve this Doc View Source Volume Gets the volume of this sphere. Declaration public float Volume { get; } Property Value Type Description System.Single The volume. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Nullable<Object>) Compares this instance to another Sphere . Declaration public int CompareTo(object? obj) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.Object > obj The other object. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and obj . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Radius of this instance is less than that of obj . Zero This instance is equal to obj , or the Radius of both this instance and obj are not a number ( ), , or . Greater than zero The Radius of this instance is greater than that of obj , or obj is null . Remarks Comparison only takes into consideration the Radius . | Improve this Doc View Source CompareTo(Sphere) Compares this instance to another Sphere . Declaration public int CompareTo(Sphere other) Parameters Type Name Description Sphere other The other sphere. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and other . Return value Meaning Less than zero The Radius of this instance is less than that of other . Zero This instance is equal to other , or the Radius of both this instance and other are not a number ( ), , or .
"api/X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection Classes ServiceCollectionExtensions Dependency injection extensions for ."
"api/X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ServiceCollectionExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ServiceCollectionExtensions Dependency injection extensions for . Inheritance System.Object ServiceCollectionExtensions Namespace : X10D.Hosting.DependencyInjection Assembly : X10D.Hosting.dll Syntax public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AddHostedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type) Adds an registration for the given type, while simultaneously adding it as a singleton. Declaration public static IServiceCollection AddHostedSingleton(this IServiceCollection services, Type type) Parameters Type Name Description IServiceCollection services The to add the service to. Type type The type of the service to register and the implementation to use. Returns Type Description IServiceCollection A reference to this instance after the operation has completed. | Improve this Doc View Source AddHostedSingleton(IServiceCollection, Type, Type) Adds an registration for the given type, while simultaneously adding it as a singleton. Declaration public static IServiceCollection AddHostedSingleton(this IServiceCollection services, Type serviceType, Type implementationType) Parameters Type Name Description IServiceCollection services The to add the service to. Type serviceType The type of the service to register. Type implementationType The type of the implementation to use. Returns Type Description IServiceCollection A reference to this instance after the operation has completed. | Improve this Doc View Source AddHostedSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection) Adds an registration for the given type, while simultaneously adding it as a singleton. Declaration public static IServiceCollection AddHostedSingleton<TService>(this IServiceCollection services) where TService : class, IHostedService Parameters Type Name Description IServiceCollection services The to add the service to. Returns Type Description IServiceCollection A reference to this instance after the operation has completed. Type Parameters Name Description TService The type of the service to add. | Improve this Doc View Source AddHostedSingleton<TService, TImplementation>(IServiceCollection) Adds an registration for the given type, while simultaneously adding it as a singleton. Declaration public static IServiceCollection AddHostedSingleton<TService, TImplementation>(this IServiceCollection services) where TService : class where TImplementation : class, TService, IHostedService Parameters Type Name Description IServiceCollection services The to add the service to. Returns Type Description IServiceCollection A reference to this instance after the operation has completed. Type Parameters Name Description TService The type of the service to add. TImplementation The type of the implementation to use."
"api/X10D.IO.BooleanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.BooleanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BooleanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class BooleanExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object BooleanExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class BooleanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBytes(Boolean) Returns the current boolean value as an array of bytes. Declaration public static byte[] GetBytes(this bool value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Boolean value The value to convert. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 1. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBytes(Boolean, Span<Byte>) Converts a into a span of bytes. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBytes(this bool value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Boolean value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination When this method returns, the bytes representing the converted . Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.ByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.ByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ByteExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBytes(Byte) Returns the current 8-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes. Declaration public static byte[] GetBytes(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The number to convert. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 1. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBytes(Byte, Span<Byte>) Converts a into a span of bytes. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBytes(this byte value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination When this method returns, the bytes representing the converted . Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.DecimalExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.DecimalExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DecimalExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DecimalExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DecimalExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DecimalExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(Decimal) Converts the current decimal number into an array of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 16. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(Decimal) Converts the current decimal number into an array of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 16. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(Decimal, Span<Byte>) Converts the current decimal number into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this decimal value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(Decimal, Span<Byte>) Converts the current decimal number into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this decimal value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.DirectoryInfoExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.DirectoryInfoExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DirectoryInfoExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DirectoryInfoExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DirectoryInfoExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DirectoryInfoExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Clear(DirectoryInfo) Removes all files and subdirectories in this directory, recursively, without deleting this directory. Declaration public static void Clear(this DirectoryInfo directory) Parameters Type Name Description DirectoryInfo directory The directory to clear."
"api/X10D.IO.DoubleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.DoubleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DoubleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DoubleExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DoubleExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DoubleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(Double) Converts the current double-precision floating-point number into an array of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 4. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(Double) Converts the current double-precision floating-point number into an array of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 4. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(Double, Span<Byte>) Converts the current double-precision floating-point number into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this double value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(Double, Span<Byte>) Converts the current double-precision floating-point number into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this double value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.FileInfoExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.FileInfoExtensions.html",
"title": "Class FileInfoExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class FileInfoExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object FileInfoExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class FileInfoExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetHash<T>(FileInfo) Computes the hash of a file using the specified hash algorithm. Declaration public static byte[] GetHash<T>(this FileInfo value) where T : HashAlgorithm Parameters Type Name Description FileInfo value The file whose hash to compute. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] The hash of value represented as an array of bytes. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the whose is to be used for computing the hash. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteHash<T>(FileInfo, Span<Byte>, out Int32) Computes the hash of a file using the specified hash algorithm. Declaration public static bool TryWriteHash<T>(this FileInfo value, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) where T : HashAlgorithm Parameters Type Name Description FileInfo value The file whose hash to compute. Span < System.Byte > destination When this method returns, contains the computed hash of value . System.Int32 bytesWritten When this method returns, the total number of bytes written into destination. This parameter is treated as uninitialized. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the destination is long enough to receive the hash; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the whose is to be used for computing the hash."
"api/X10D.IO.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.IO | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.IO Classes BooleanExtensions Extension methods for . ByteExtensions IO-related extension methods for . DecimalExtensions IO-related extension methods for . DirectoryInfoExtensions IO-related extension methods for . DoubleExtensions IO-related extension methods for . FileInfoExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Int16Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Int32Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Int64Extensions IO-related extension methods for . ListOfByteExtensions Extension methods for array. SByteExtensions IO-related extension methods for . SingleExtensions IO-related extension methods for . StreamExtensions IO-related extension methods for . TextReaderExtensions IO-related extension methods for . TextWriterExtensions IO-related extension methods for . UInt16Extensions IO-related extension methods for . UInt32Extensions IO-related extension methods for . UInt64Extensions IO-related extension methods for ."
"api/X10D.IO.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(Int16) Converts the current 16-bit signed integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(Int16) Converts the current 16-bit signed integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(Int16, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 16-bit signed integer into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this short value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(Int16, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 16-bit signed integer into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this short value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(Int32) Converts the current 32-bit signed integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(Int32) Converts the current 32-bit signed integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(Int32, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 32-bit signed integer into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this int value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(Int32, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 32-bit signed integer into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this int value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(Int64) Converts the current 64-bit signed integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(Int64) Converts the current 64-bit signed integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(Int64, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 64-bit signed integer into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this long value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(Int64, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 64-bit signed integer into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this long value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.ListOfByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.ListOfByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ListOfByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ListOfByteExtensions Extension methods for array. Inheritance System.Object ListOfByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ListOfByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsString(IReadOnlyList<Byte>) Converts the numeric value of each element of a specified list of bytes to its equivalent hexadecimal string representation. Declaration public static string AsString(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. Returns Type Description System.String A string of hexadecimal pairs separated by hyphens, where each pair represents the corresponding element in source ; for example, \"7F-2C-4A-00\". | Improve this Doc View Source ToDouble(IReadOnlyList<Byte>) Returns a double-precision floating point number converted from eight bytes. Declaration public static double ToDouble(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. Returns Type Description System.Double A double-precision floating point number formed by eight bytes. | Improve this Doc View Source ToDouble(IReadOnlyList<Byte>, Int32) Returns a double-precision floating point number converted from eight bytes at a specified position in a list of bytes. Declaration public static double ToDouble(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source, int startIndex) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. System.Int32 startIndex The starting position within source . Returns Type Description System.Double A double-precision floating point number formed by eight bytes beginning at startIndex . | Improve this Doc View Source ToInt16(IReadOnlyList<Byte>) Returns a 16-bit signed integer converted from two bytes. Declaration public static short ToInt16(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. Returns Type Description System.Int16 A 16-bit signed integer formed by two bytes. | Improve this Doc View Source ToInt16(IReadOnlyList<Byte>, Int32) Returns a 16-bit signed integer converted from two bytes at a specified position in a list of bytes. Declaration public static short ToInt16(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source, int startIndex) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. System.Int32 startIndex The starting position within source . Returns Type Description System.Int16 A 16-bit signed integer formed by two bytes beginning at startIndex . | Improve this Doc View Source ToInt32(IReadOnlyList<Byte>) Returns a 32-bit signed integer converted from four bytes. Declaration public static int ToInt32(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A 32-bit signed integer formed by four bytes. | Improve this Doc View Source ToInt32(IReadOnlyList<Byte>, Int32) Returns a 32-bit signed integer converted from four bytes at a specified position in a list of bytes. Declaration public static int ToInt32(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source, int startIndex) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. System.Int32 startIndex The starting position within source . Returns Type Description System.Int32 A 32-bit signed integer formed by four bytes beginning at startIndex . | Improve this Doc View Source ToInt64(IReadOnlyList<Byte>) Returns a 64-bit signed integer converted from eight bytes. Declaration public static long ToInt64(this IReadOnlyList<byte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IReadOnlyList < System.Byte > source The source list of bytes. Returns Type Description System.Int64 A 64-bit signed integer formed by eight bytes. | Improve this Doc View Source ToInt64(IReadOnlyList<Byte>, Int32) Returns a 64-bit signed integer converted from eight bytes at a specified position in a list of bytes. Declaration public st
"api/X10D.IO.SByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.SByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SByteExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBytes(SByte) Returns the current 16-bit unsigned integer value as an array of bytes. Declaration public static byte[] GetBytes(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The number to convert. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 1. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBytes(SByte, Span<Byte>) Converts the current 16-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBytes(this sbyte value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination When this method returns, the bytes representing the converted . Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.SingleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.SingleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SingleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SingleExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SingleExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SingleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(Single) Converts the current single-precision floating-point number into an array of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 4. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(Single) Converts the current single-precision floating-point number into an array of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 4. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(Single, Span<Byte>) Converts the current single-precision floating-point number into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this float value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(Single, Span<Byte>) Converts the current single-precision floating-point number into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this float value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.StreamExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.StreamExtensions.html",
"title": "Class StreamExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class StreamExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object StreamExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class StreamExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetHash<T>(Stream) Returns the hash of the current stream as an array of bytes using the specified hash algorithm. Declaration public static byte[] GetHash<T>(this Stream stream) where T : HashAlgorithm Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream whose hash is to be computed. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] The hash of stream represented as an array of bytes. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the whose is to be used for computing the hash. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadDecimalBigEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as big endian, and advances the stream position by sixteen bytes. Declaration public static decimal ReadDecimalBigEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Decimal The big endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadDecimalLittleEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as big endian, and advances the stream position by sixteen bytes. Declaration public static decimal ReadDecimalLittleEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Decimal The big endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadDoubleBigEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as big endian, and advances the stream position by eight bytes. Declaration public static double ReadDoubleBigEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Double The big endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadDoubleLittleEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as little endian, and advances the stream position by eight bytes. Declaration public static double ReadDoubleLittleEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Double The little endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadInt16BigEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as big endian, and advances the stream position by two bytes. Declaration public static short ReadInt16BigEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The big endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadInt16LittleEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as little endian, and advances the stream position by two bytes. Declaration public static short ReadInt16LittleEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The little endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadInt32BigEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as big endian, and advances the stream position by four bytes. Declaration public static int ReadInt32BigEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The big endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadInt32LittleEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as little endian, and advances the stream position by four bytes. Declaration public static int ReadInt32LittleEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description Stream stream The stream from which the value should be read. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The little endian value. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadInt64BigEndian(Stream) Reads an from the current stream as big endian, and advances the stream position by eight bytes. Declaration public static long ReadInt64BigEndian(this Stream stream) Parameters Type Name Description
"api/X10D.IO.TextReaderExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.TextReaderExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TextReaderExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class TextReaderExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object TextReaderExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class TextReaderExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source EnumerateLines(TextReader) Enumerates the lines provided by the current text reader. Declaration public static IEnumerable<string> EnumerateLines(this TextReader reader) Parameters Type Name Description TextReader reader The reader whose lines to enumerate. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.String > An enumerable collection of lines as read from reader . | Improve this Doc View Source EnumerateLinesAsync(TextReader) Asynchronously enumerates the lines provided by the current text reader. Declaration public static IAsyncEnumerable<string> EnumerateLinesAsync(this TextReader reader) Parameters Type Name Description TextReader reader The reader whose lines to enumerate. Returns Type Description IAsyncEnumerable < System.String > An asynchronous enumerable collection of lines as read from reader ."
"api/X10D.IO.TextWriterExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.TextWriterExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TextWriterExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class TextWriterExtensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object TextWriterExtensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class TextWriterExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source WriteLineNoAlloc(TextWriter, Double) Writes the text representation of an 8-byte floating-point value to the text stream, followed by a line terminator, without allocating a string. Declaration public static void WriteLineNoAlloc(this TextWriter writer, double value) Parameters Type Name Description TextWriter writer The to write to. System.Double value The 8-byte floating-point value to write. Remarks This method may still allocate if the integer is too large to fit in a stack-allocated buffer. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteLineNoAlloc(TextWriter, Double, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) Writes the text representation of an 8-byte floating-point value to the text stream, followed by a line terminator, without allocating a string. Declaration public static void WriteLineNoAlloc(this TextWriter writer, double value, ReadOnlySpan<char> format) Parameters Type Name Description TextWriter writer The to write to. System.Double value The 8-byte floating-point value to write. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > format A standard or custom numeric format string. Remarks This method may still allocate if the integer is too large to fit in a stack-allocated buffer. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteLineNoAlloc(TextWriter, Double, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Nullable<IFormatProvider>) Writes the text representation of an 8-byte floating-point value to the text stream, followed by a line terminator, without allocating a string. Declaration public static void WriteLineNoAlloc(this TextWriter writer, double value, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, IFormatProvider? formatProvider) Parameters Type Name Description TextWriter writer The to write to. System.Double value The 8-byte floating-point value to write. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > format A standard or custom numeric format string. System.Nullable < IFormatProvider > formatProvider An object that supplies culture-specific formatting information. Remarks This method may still allocate if the integer is too large to fit in a stack-allocated buffer. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteLineNoAlloc(TextWriter, Int32) Writes the text representation of a 4-byte signed integer to the text stream, followed by a line terminator, without allocating a string. Declaration public static void WriteLineNoAlloc(this TextWriter writer, int value) Parameters Type Name Description TextWriter writer The to write to. System.Int32 value The 4-byte signed integer to write. Remarks This method may still allocate if the integer is too large to fit in a stack-allocated buffer. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteLineNoAlloc(TextWriter, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) Writes the text representation of a 4-byte signed integer to the text stream, followed by a line terminator, without allocating a string. Declaration public static void WriteLineNoAlloc(this TextWriter writer, int value, ReadOnlySpan<char> format) Parameters Type Name Description TextWriter writer The to write to. System.Int32 value The 4-byte signed integer to write. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > format A standard or custom numeric format string. Remarks This method may still allocate if the integer is too large to fit in a stack-allocated buffer. | Improve this Doc View Source WriteLineNoAlloc(TextWriter, Int32, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Nullable<IFormatProvider>) Writes the text representation of a 4-byte signed integer to the text stream, followed by a line terminator, without allocating a string. Declaration public static void WriteLineNoAlloc(this TextWriter writer, int value, ReadOnlySpan<char> format, IFormatProvider? formatProvider) Parameters Type Name Description TextWriter writer The to write to. System.Int32 value The 4-byte signed integer to write. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > format A standard or custom numeric format string. System.Nullable < IFormatProvider > formatProvider An object that supplies culture-sp
"api/X10D.IO.UInt16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.UInt16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt16Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt16Extensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(UInt16) Converts the current 16-bit unsigned integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(UInt16) Converts the current 16-bit unsigned integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(UInt16, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 16-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this ushort value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(UInt16, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 16-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this ushort value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.UInt32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.UInt32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt32Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt32Extensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(UInt32) Converts the current 32-bit unsigned integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(UInt32) Converts the current 32-bit unsigned integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(UInt32, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 32-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this uint value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(UInt32, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 32-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this uint value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.IO.UInt64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.IO.UInt64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt64Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt64Extensions Namespace : X10D.IO Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetBigEndianBytes(UInt64) Converts the current 64-bit unsigned integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetBigEndianBytes(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source GetLittleEndianBytes(UInt64) Converts the current 64-bit unsigned integer into an array of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static byte[] GetLittleEndianBytes(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value. Returns Type Description System.Byte [] An array of bytes with length 8. | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteBigEndianBytes(UInt64, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 64-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes, as big endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteBigEndianBytes(this ulong value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as big endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(UInt64, Span<Byte>) Writes the current 64-bit unsigned integer into a span of bytes, as little endian. Declaration public static bool TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(this ulong value, Span<byte> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value. Span < System.Byte > destination The span of bytes where the value is to be written, as little endian. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the conversion was successful; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.Linq.ByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.ByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ByteExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object ByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Byte>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static byte Product(this IEnumerable<byte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Byte > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Byte The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<SByte>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static sbyte Product(this IEnumerable<sbyte> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.SByte > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.SByte The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Byte>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static byte Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, byte> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Byte > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Byte The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, SByte>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static sbyte Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, sbyte> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.SByte > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.SByte The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Byte, Byte) Returns an enumerable sequence of 8-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<byte> RangeTo(this byte value, byte end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The starting value of the sequence. System.Byte end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Byte > An enumerable collection of 8-bit integers, ranging from value to end . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Byte, Int16) Returns an enumerable sequence of 16-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<short> RangeTo(this byte value, short end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int16 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int16 > An enumerable collection of 16-bit integers, ranging from value to end . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Byte, Int32) Returns an enumerable sequence of 32-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<int> RangeTo(this byte value, int end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int32 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int32 > An enumerable collection of 32-bit integers, ranging from value to end . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Byte, Int64) Returns an enumerable sequence of 64-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<long> RangeTo(this byte val
"api/X10D.Linq.DecimalExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.DecimalExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DecimalExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DecimalExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object DecimalExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DecimalExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Decimal>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static decimal Product(this IEnumerable<decimal> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Decimal > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Decimal The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Decimal>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static decimal Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, decimal> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Decimal > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Decimal The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source ."
"api/X10D.Linq.DoubleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.DoubleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DoubleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DoubleExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object DoubleExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DoubleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Double>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static double Product(this IEnumerable<double> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Double > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Double The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Double>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static double Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, double> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Double > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Double The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source ."
"api/X10D.Linq.EnumerableExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.EnumerableExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EnumerableExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class EnumerableExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object EnumerableExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class EnumerableExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Except<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, TSource) Filters a sequence of values by omitting elements that match a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<TSource> Except<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, TSource item) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source An to filter. TSource item The value to omit. Returns Type Description IEnumerable <TSource> An that contains elements from the input sequence that do not match the specified value. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source MinMax<T>(IEnumerable<T>) Returns the minimum and maximum values in a sequence of values. Declaration public static (T Minimum, T Maximum) MinMax<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <T> source A sequence of values to determine the minimum and maximum values of. Returns Type Description System.ValueTuple <T, T> A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values in source . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source MinMax<T>(IEnumerable<T>, Nullable<IComparer<T>>) Returns the minimum and maximum values in a sequence of values, using a specified comparer. Declaration public static (T Minimum, T Maximum) MinMax<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, IComparer<T>? comparer) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <T> source A sequence of values to determine the minimum and maximum values of. System.Nullable < IComparer <T>> comparer The comparer which shall be used to compare each element in the sequence. Returns Type Description System.ValueTuple <T, T> A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values in source . Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the elements in source . | Improve this Doc View Source MinMax<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TResult>) Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence of elements and returns the minimum and maximum values. Declaration public static (TResult Minimum, TResult Maximum) MinMax<TSource, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values to determine the minimum and maximum values of. Func <TSource, TResult> selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.ValueTuple <TResult, TResult> A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values in source . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements in source . TResult The type of the elements to compare. | Improve this Doc View Source MinMax<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TResult>, Nullable<IComparer<TResult>>) Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence of elements and returns the minimum and maximum values, using a specified comparer. Declaration public static (TResult Minimum, TResult Maximum) MinMax<TSource, TResult>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector, IComparer<TResult>? comparer) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values to determine the minimum and maximum values of. Func <TSource, TResult> selector A transform function to apply to each element. System.Nullable < IComparer <TResult>> comparer The comparer which shall be used to compare each element in the sequence. Returns Type Description System.ValueTuple <TResult, TResult> A tuple containing the minimum and maximum values in source . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements in source . TResult The type of the elements to compare. | Improve this Doc View Source MinMaxBy<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, TResult>) Returns the minimum and maximum values in a sequence according to a spec
"api/X10D.Linq.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Linq | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Linq Classes ByteExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . DecimalExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . DoubleExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . EnumerableExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for . Int16Extensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Int32Extensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Int64Extensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . ReadOnlySpanExtensions Extension methods for . SingleExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . SpanExtensions Extension methods for ."
"api/X10D.Linq.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Int16>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static short Product(this IEnumerable<short> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Int16 > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<UInt16>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static ushort Product(this IEnumerable<ushort> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.UInt16 > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Int16>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static short Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, short> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Int16 > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, UInt16>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static ushort Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, ushort> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.UInt16 > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Int16, Int16) Returns an enumerable sequence of 16-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<short> RangeTo(this short value, short end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int16 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int16 > An enumerable collection of 16-bit integers, ranging from value to end . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Int16, Int32) Returns an enumerable sequence of 32-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<int> RangeTo(this short value, int end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int32 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int32 > An enumerable collection of 32-bit integers, ranging from value to end . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Int16, Int64) Returns an enumerable sequence of 64-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<long> RangeTo(this short value, long end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int64 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int64 > An enumerable collection of 64-bit integers, ranging from value to end ."
"api/X10D.Linq.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Int32>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static int Product(this IEnumerable<int> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Int32 > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<UInt32>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static uint Product(this IEnumerable<uint> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.UInt32 > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Int32>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static int Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, int> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Int32 > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, UInt32>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static uint Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, uint> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.UInt32 > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Int32, Int32) Returns an enumerable sequence of 32-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<int> RangeTo(this int value, int end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int32 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int32 > An enumerable collection of 32-bit integers, ranging from value to end . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Int32, Int64) Returns an enumerable sequence of 64-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<long> RangeTo(this int value, long end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int64 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int64 > An enumerable collection of 64-bit integers, ranging from value to end ."
"api/X10D.Linq.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Int64>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static long Product(this IEnumerable<long> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Int64 > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<UInt64>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static ulong Product(this IEnumerable<ulong> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.UInt64 > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Int64>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static long Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, long> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Int64 > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, UInt64>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static ulong Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, ulong> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.UInt64 > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source RangeTo(Int64, Int64) Returns an enumerable sequence of 64-bit integers ranging from the current value to a specified value. Declaration public static IEnumerable<long> RangeTo(this long value, long end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The starting value of the sequence. System.Int64 end The ending value of the sequence. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.Int64 > An enumerable collection of 64-bit integers, ranging from value to end ."
"api/X10D.Linq.ReadOnlySpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.ReadOnlySpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ReadOnlySpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ReadOnlySpanExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ReadOnlySpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ReadOnlySpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source All<TSource>(ReadOnlySpan<TSource>, Predicate<TSource>) Determines whether all elements of a read-only span satisfy a condition. Declaration public static bool All<TSource>(this ReadOnlySpan<TSource> source, Predicate<TSource> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <TSource> source A that contains the elements to apply the predicate to. Predicate <TSource> predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified predicate, or if the span is empty; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Any<TSource>(ReadOnlySpan<TSource>, Predicate<TSource>) Determines whether any element of a read-only span satisfies a condition. Declaration public static bool Any<TSource>(this ReadOnlySpan<TSource> source, Predicate<TSource> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <TSource> source A that contains the elements to apply the predicate to. Predicate <TSource> predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the source span is not empty and at least one of its elements passes the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Count<TSource>(ReadOnlySpan<TSource>, Predicate<TSource>) Returns a number that represents how many elements in the specified sequence satisfy a condition. Declaration public static int Count<TSource>(this ReadOnlySpan<TSource> source, Predicate<TSource> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan <TSource> source A that contains elements to be tested and counted. Predicate <TSource> predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A number that represents how many elements in the sequence satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements in source ."
"api/X10D.Linq.SingleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.SingleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SingleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SingleExtensions LINQ-inspired extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object SingleExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SingleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Product(IEnumerable<Single>) Computes the product of a sequence of values. Declaration public static float Product(this IEnumerable<float> source) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.Single > source A sequence of values that are used to calculate the product. Returns Type Description System.Single The product the values in the sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Product<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, Single>) Computes the product of a sequence of values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. Declaration public static float Product<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, float> selector) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable <TSource> source A sequence of values that are used to calculate a product. Func <TSource, System.Single > selector A transform function to apply to each element. Returns Type Description System.Single The product of the projected values. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source ."
"api/X10D.Linq.SpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Linq.SpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SpanExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Linq Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source All<TSource>(Span<TSource>, Predicate<TSource>) Determines whether all elements of a span satisfy a condition. Declaration public static bool All<TSource>(this Span<TSource> source, Predicate<TSource> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description Span <TSource> source A that contains the elements to apply the predicate to. Predicate <TSource> predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if every element of the source sequence passes the test in the specified predicate, or if the span is empty; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Any<TSource>(Span<TSource>, Predicate<TSource>) Determines whether any element of a span satisfies a condition. Declaration public static bool Any<TSource>(this Span<TSource> source, Predicate<TSource> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description Span <TSource> source A that contains the elements to apply the predicate to. Predicate <TSource> predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the source span is not empty and at least one of its elements passes the test in the specified predicate; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements of source . | Improve this Doc View Source Count<TSource>(Span<TSource>, Predicate<TSource>) Returns a number that represents how many elements in the specified sequence satisfy a condition. Declaration public static int Count<TSource>(this Span<TSource> source, Predicate<TSource> predicate) Parameters Type Name Description Span <TSource> source A that contains elements to be tested and counted. Predicate <TSource> predicate A function to test each element for a condition. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A number that represents how many elements in the sequence satisfy the condition in the predicate function. Type Parameters Name Description TSource The type of the elements in source ."
"api/X10D.Math.BigIntegerExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.BigIntegerExtensions.html",
"title": "Class BigIntegerExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class BigIntegerExtensions Math-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object BigIntegerExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class BigIntegerExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(BigInteger) Returns the number of digits in the current integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this BigInteger value) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(BigInteger) Computes the digital root of this 8-bit integer. Declaration public static int DigitalRoot(this BigInteger value) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(BigInteger) Returns the factorial of the current 64-bit signed integer. Declaration public static BigInteger Factorial(this BigInteger value) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description BigInteger The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(BigInteger, BigInteger) Calculates the greatest common factor between this, and another, . Declaration public static BigInteger GreatestCommonFactor(this BigInteger value, BigInteger other) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The first value. BigInteger other The second value. Returns Type Description BigInteger The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(BigInteger) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this BigInteger value) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(BigInteger) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this BigInteger value) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(BigInteger, BigInteger) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 64-bit signed integer, and another 64-bit signed integer. Declaration public static BigInteger LowestCommonMultiple(this BigInteger value, BigInteger other) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The first value. BigInteger other The second value. Returns Type Description BigInteger The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source Mod(BigInteger, BigInteger) Performs a modulo operation which supports a negative dividend. Declaration public static BigInteger Mod(this BigInteger dividend, BigInteger divisor) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger dividend The dividend. BigInteger divisor The divisor. Returns Type Description BigInteger The result of dividend mod divisor . Remarks The % operator (commonly called the modulo operator) in C# is not defined to be modulo, but is instead remainder. This quirk inherently makes it difficult to use modulo in a negative context, as x % y where x is negative will return a negative value, akin to -(x % y) , even if precedence is forced. This method provides a modulo operation which supports negative dividends. | Improve this Doc View Source MultiplicativePersistence(BigInteger) Returns the multiplicative persistence of a specified value. Declaration public static int MultiplicativePersistence(this BigInteger value) Parameters Type Name Description BigInteger value The value whose multiplicative persistence to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int3
"api/X10D.Math.ByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.ByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ByteExtensions Math-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(Byte) Returns the number of digits in the current 8-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(Byte) Computes the digital root of this 8-bit integer. Declaration public static byte DigitalRoot(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.Byte The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(Byte) Returns the factorial of the current 8-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static long Factorial(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(Byte, Byte) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 8-bit unsigned integer, and another 8-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static byte GreatestCommonFactor(this byte value, byte other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The first value. System.Byte other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Byte The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(Byte) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(Byte) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(Byte) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(Byte, Byte) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 8-bit signed integer, and another 8-bit signed integer. Declaration public static byte LowestCommonMultiple(this byte value, byte other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The first value. System.Byte other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Byte The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source MultiplicativePersistence(Byte) Returns the multiplicative persistence of a specified value. Declaration public static int MultiplicativePersistence(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose multiplicative persistence to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The multiplicative persistence. Remarks Multiplicative persistence is defined as the recursive digital product until that product is a single digit. | Improve this Doc View Source Wrap(Byte, Byte) Wraps the current 8-bit unsigned integer between 0 and a high value. Declaration public static byte Wrap(this byte value, byte length) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value to wrap. System.Byte length The exclusive upper bound. Returns Type Description Syste
"api/X10D.Math.ComparableExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.ComparableExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ComparableExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ComparableExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ComparableExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ComparableExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Between<T1, T2, T3>(T1, T2, T3, InclusiveOptions) Determines if a specified value falls exclusively between a specified lower bound and upper bound. Declaration public static bool Between<T1, T2, T3>(this T1 value, T2 lower, T3 upper, InclusiveOptions inclusiveOptions = default(InclusiveOptions)) where T1 : IComparable<T2>, IComparable<T3> where T2 : IComparable<T3> where T3 : IComparable<T2> Parameters Type Name Description T1 value The value to compare. T2 lower The exclusive lower bound. T3 upper The exclusive upper bound. InclusiveOptions inclusiveOptions The comparison clusivity. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is between the lower and upper -or- false otherwise. Type Parameters Name Description T1 An type. T2 The first comparison operand type. T3 The second comparison operand type. Examples int firstValue = 42; int secondValue = 15; int lower = 0; int upper = 20; Console.WriteLine($\"{firstValue} between {lower} and {upper}?\"); Console.WriteLine(firstValue.Between(lower, upper)); Console.WriteLine($\"{secondValue} between {lower} and {upper}?\"); Console.WriteLine(secondValue.Between(lower, upper)); // This will output the following: // 42 between 0 and 20? // False // 15 between 0 and 20? // True | Improve this Doc View Source Clamp<T>(T, T, T) Returns the current value clamped to the inclusive range of lower and upper . Declaration public static T Clamp<T>(this T value, T lower, T upper) where T : IComparable<T> Parameters Type Name Description T value The value to be clamped. T lower The lower bound of the result. T upper The upper bound of the result. Returns Type Description T value if lower ≤ value ≤ upper . -or- lower if value < lower . -or- upper if upper < value . Type Parameters Name Description T An type. Examples int value = 42; int lower = 0; int upper = 20; int clamped = value.Clamp(lower, upper); // clamped will be 20 | Improve this Doc View Source GreaterThan<T1, T2>(T1, T2) Determines if the current value is greater than another value. Declaration public static bool GreaterThan<T1, T2>(this T1 value, T2 other) where T1 : IComparable<T2> Parameters Type Name Description T1 value The first value. T2 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is greater than other -or- false otherwise. Type Parameters Name Description T1 An type. T2 The comparison operand type. Examples int first = 5; int second = 10; bool result = first.GreaterThan(second); // result will be False | Improve this Doc View Source GreaterThanOrEqualTo<T1, T2>(T1, T2) Determines if the current value is greater than or equal to another value. Declaration public static bool GreaterThanOrEqualTo<T1, T2>(this T1 value, T2 other) where T1 : IComparable<T2> Parameters Type Name Description T1 value The first value. T2 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is greater than or equal to other -or- false otherwise. Type Parameters Name Description T1 An type. T2 The comparison operand type. Examples int first = 5; int second = 10; bool result = first.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(second); // result will be False | Improve this Doc View Source LessThan<T1, T2>(T1, T2) Determines if the current value is less than another value. Declaration public static bool LessThan<T1, T2>(this T1 value, T2 other) where T1 : IComparable<T2> Parameters Type Name Description T1 value The first value. T2 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is less than other -or- false otherwise. Type Parameters Name Description T1 An type. T2 The comparison operand type. Examples int first = 5; int second = 10; bool result = first.LessThan(second); // result will be True | Improve this Doc View Source LessThanOrEqualTo<T1, T2>(T1, T2) Determines if the current value is less than or equal to another val
"api/X10D.Math.DecimalExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.DecimalExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DecimalExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DecimalExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DecimalExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DecimalExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ComplexSqrt(Decimal) Returns the complex square root of this decimal number. Declaration public static Complex ComplexSqrt(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The number whose square root is to be found. Returns Type Description Complex The square root of value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(Decimal) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(Decimal) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Decimal) Rounds the current value to the nearest whole number. Declaration public static decimal Round(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.Decimal value rounded to the nearest whole number. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Decimal, Decimal) Rounds the current value to the nearest multiple of a specified number. Declaration public static decimal Round(this decimal value, decimal nearest) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value to round. System.Decimal nearest The nearest multiple to which value should be rounded. Returns Type Description System.Decimal value rounded to the nearest multiple of nearest . | Improve this Doc View Source Saturate(Decimal) Saturates this decimal number. Declaration public static decimal Saturate(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value to saturate. Returns Type Description System.Decimal The saturated value. Remarks This method clamps value between 0 and 1. | Improve this Doc View Source Sign(Decimal) Returns an integer that indicates the sign of this decimal number. Declaration public static int Sign(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value A signed number. Returns Type Description System.Int32 A number that indicates the sign of value , as shown in the following table. Return value Meaning -1 value is less than zero. 0 value is equal to zero. 1 value is greater than zero. | Improve this Doc View Source Sqrt(Decimal) Returns the square root of this decimal number. Declaration public static decimal Sqrt(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The number whose square root is to be found. Returns Type Description System.Decimal One of the values in the following table. Return value Meaning The positive square root of value . value is greater than or equal to 0. value is equal to or is negative. value is equal to . | Improve this Doc View Source Wrap(Decimal, Decimal) Wraps the current decimal number between 0 and a high value. Declaration public static decimal Wrap(this decimal value, decimal length) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value to wrap. System.Decimal length The exclusive upper bound. Returns Type Description System.Decimal The wrapped value. | Improve this Doc View Source Wrap(Decimal, Decimal, Decimal) Wraps the current decimal number between a low and a high value. Declaration public static decimal Wrap(this decimal value, decimal low, decimal high) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The value to wrap. System.Decimal low The inclusive lower bound. System.Decimal high The exclusive upper bound. Returns Type Des
"api/X10D.Math.DoubleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.DoubleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DoubleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DoubleExtensions Mathematical extension methods. Inheritance System.Object DoubleExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DoubleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Acos(Double) Returns the arccosine of the specified value. Declaration public static double Acos(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value representing a cosine, which must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. Returns Type Description System.Double The arccosine of value , θ, measured in radians; such that 0 θ π. If value is equal to , less than -1, or greater than 1, is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Acosh(Double) Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of the specified value. Declaration public static double Acosh(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value representing a hyperbolic cosine, which must be greater than or equal to 1, but less than or equal to . Returns Type Description System.Double The hyperbolic arccosine of value , θ, measured in radians; such that 0 θ . If value is less than 1 or equal to , is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Asin(Double) Returns the arcsine of the specified value. Declaration public static double Asin(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value representing a sine, which must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. Returns Type Description System.Double The arccosine of value , θ, measured in radians; such that π/2 θ π/2. If value is equal to , less than -1, or greater than 1, is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Asinh(Double) Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of the specified value. Declaration public static double Asinh(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value representing a hyperbolic sine, which must be greater than or equal to 1, but less than or equal to . Returns Type Description System.Double The hyperbolic arccosine of value , measured in radians. If value is equal to , is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Atan(Double) Returns the arctangent of the specified value. Declaration public static double Atan(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value representing a tangent, which must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. Returns Type Description System.Double The arctangent of value , θ, measured in radians; such that π/2 θ π/2. If value is equal to , is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Atanh(Double) Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the specified value. Declaration public static double Atanh(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value representing a hyperbolic tangent, which must be greater than or equal to 1, but less than or equal to . Returns Type Description System.Double The hyperbolic arctangent of value , θ, measured in radians; such that - < θ < -1, or 1 < θ < . If value is equal to , less than -1, or greater than 1, is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source ComplexSqrt(Double) Returns the complex square root of this double-precision floating-point number. Declaration public static Complex ComplexSqrt(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The number whose square root is to be found. Returns Type Description Complex The square root of value . | Improve this Doc View Source Cos(Double) Returns the cosine of the specified angle. Declaration public static double Cos(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The angle, measured in radians. Returns Type Description System.Double The cosine of value . If value is equal to , , or , this method returns . | Improve this Doc View Source Cosh(Double) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. Declaration public static double Cosh(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The angle, measured in rad
"api/X10D.Math.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Math | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Math Classes BigIntegerExtensions Math-related extension methods for . ByteExtensions Math-related extension methods for . ComparableExtensions Extension methods for . DecimalExtensions Extension methods for . DoubleExtensions Mathematical extension methods. Int16Extensions Extension methods for . Int32Extensions Extension methods for . Int64Extensions Extension methods for . MathUtility Provides static helpers methods for mathematical functions not found in the .NET class. SByteExtensions Math-related extension methods for . SingleExtensions Extension methods for . UInt16Extensions Extension methods for . UInt32Extensions Extension methods for . UInt64Extensions Extension methods for . Enums InclusiveOptions Provides options for Between<T1, T2, T3>(T1, T2, T3, InclusiveOptions) clusivity."
"api/X10D.Math.InclusiveOptions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.InclusiveOptions.html",
"title": "Enum InclusiveOptions | X10D",
"keywords": "Enum InclusiveOptions Provides options for Between<T1, T2, T3>(T1, T2, T3, InclusiveOptions) clusivity. Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public enum InclusiveOptions : int Fields Name Description Inclusive Indicates that the comparison will treat both the upper and lower bound as exclusive. LowerInclusive Indicates that the comparison will treat the lower bound as exclusive. None Indicates that the comparison will be exclusive. UpperInclusive Indicates that the comparison will treat the upper bound as exclusive. Extension Methods Extensions.AsArrayValue<InclusiveOptions>() Extensions.AsEnumerableValue<InclusiveOptions>() Extensions.RepeatValue<InclusiveOptions>(Int32) Extensions.ToJson<InclusiveOptions>(Nullable<JsonSerializerOptions>)"
"api/X10D.Math.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(Int16) Returns the number of digits in the current 16-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(Int16) Computes the digital root of this 16-bit integer. Declaration public static short DigitalRoot(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(Int16) Returns the factorial of the current 16-bit signed integer. Declaration public static long Factorial(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(Int16, Int16) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 16-bit signed integer, and another 16-bit signed integer. Declaration public static short GreatestCommonFactor(this short value, short other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The first value. System.Int16 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(Int16) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(Int16) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(Int16) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(Int16, Int16) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 16-bit signed integer, and another 16-bit signed integer. Declaration public static short LowestCommonMultiple(this short value, short other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The first value. System.Int16 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source Mod(Int16, Int16) Performs a modulo operation which supports a negative dividend. Declaration public static short Mod(this short dividend, short divisor) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 dividend The dividend. System.Int16 divisor The divisor. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The result of dividend mod divisor . Remarks The % operator (commonly called the modulo operator) in C# is not defined to be modulo, but is instead remainder. This quirk inherently makes it difficult to use modulo in a negative context, as x % y where x is negative will return a negative value, akin to -(x % y) , even if precedence is forced. This method provides a modulo operation which su
"api/X10D.Math.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(Int32) Returns the number of digits in the current 32-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(Int32) Computes the digital root of this 32-bit integer. Declaration public static int DigitalRoot(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(Int32) Returns the factorial of the current 32-bit signed integer. Declaration public static long Factorial(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(Int32, Int32) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 32-bit signed integer, and another 32-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int GreatestCommonFactor(this int value, int other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The first value. System.Int32 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(Int32) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(Int32) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(Int32) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(Int32, Int32) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 32-bit signed integer, and another 32-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int LowestCommonMultiple(this int value, int other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The first value. System.Int32 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source Mod(Int32, Int32) Performs a modulo operation which supports a negative dividend. Declaration public static int Mod(this int dividend, int divisor) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 dividend The dividend. System.Int32 divisor The divisor. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The result of dividend mod divisor . Remarks The % operator (commonly called the modulo operator) in C# is not defined to be modulo, but is instead remainder. This quirk inherently makes it difficult to use modulo in a negative context, as x % y where x is negative will return a negative value, akin to -(x % y) , even if precedence is forced. This method provides a modulo operation which supports negative dividends. | Imp
"api/X10D.Math.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(Int64) Returns the number of digits in the current 64-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(Int64) Computes the digital root of this 64-bit integer. Declaration public static long DigitalRoot(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(Int64) Returns the factorial of the current 64-bit signed integer. Declaration public static long Factorial(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(Int64, Int64) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 64-bit signed integer, and another 64-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static long GreatestCommonFactor(this long value, long other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The first value. System.Int64 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(Int64) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(Int64) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(Int64) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(Int64, Int64) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 64-bit signed integer, and another 64-bit signed integer. Declaration public static long LowestCommonMultiple(this long value, long other) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The first value. System.Int64 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source Mod(Int64, Int64) Performs a modulo operation which supports a negative dividend. Declaration public static long Mod(this long dividend, long divisor) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 dividend The dividend. System.Int64 divisor The divisor. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The result of dividend mod divisor . Remarks The % operator (commonly called the modulo operator) in C# is not defined to be modulo, but is instead remainder. This quirk inherently makes it difficult to use modulo in a negative context, as x % y where x is negative will return a negative value, akin to -(x % y) , even if precedence is forced. This method provides a modulo operation which supports negativ
"api/X10D.Math.MathUtility.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.MathUtility.html",
"title": "Class MathUtility | X10D",
"keywords": "Class MathUtility Provides static helpers methods for mathematical functions not found in the .NET class. Inheritance System.Object MathUtility Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class MathUtility : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Bias(Double, Double) Applies a simple bias function to value. Declaration public static double Bias(double value, double bias) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value to which the bias function will be applied. System.Double bias The bias value. Valid values range from 0-1. Returns Type Description System.Double The biased result. Remarks If bias is less than 0.5, value will be shifted downward; otherwise, upward. | Improve this Doc View Source Bias(Single, Single) Applies a simple bias function to value. Declaration public static float Bias(float value, float bias) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value to which the bias function will be applied. System.Single bias The bias value. Valid values range from 0-1. Returns Type Description System.Single The biased result. Remarks If bias is less than 0.5, value will be shifted downward; otherwise, upward. | Improve this Doc View Source ExponentialDecay(Double, Double, Double) Calculates exponential decay for a value. Declaration public static double ExponentialDecay(double value, double alpha, double decay) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The value to decay. System.Double alpha A factor by which to scale the decay. System.Double decay The decay amount. Returns Type Description System.Double The exponentially decayed value. | Improve this Doc View Source ExponentialDecay(Single, Single, Single) Calculates exponential decay for a value. Declaration public static float ExponentialDecay(float value, float alpha, float decay) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value to decay. System.Single alpha A factor by which to scale the decay. System.Single decay The decay amount. Returns Type Description System.Single The exponentially decayed value. | Improve this Doc View Source GammaToLinear(Double) Converts a gamma-encoded value to a linear value using a gamma value of 2.2 . Declaration public static double GammaToLinear(double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The gamma-encoded value to convert. Expected range is [0, 1]. Returns Type Description System.Double The linear value. | Improve this Doc View Source GammaToLinear(Double, Double) Converts a gamma-encoded value to a linear value using the specified gamma value. Declaration public static double GammaToLinear(double value, double gamma) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The gamma-encoded value to convert. Expected range is [0, 1]. System.Double gamma The gamma value to use for decoding. Returns Type Description System.Double The linear value. | Improve this Doc View Source GammaToLinear(Single) Converts a gamma-encoded value to a linear value using a gamma value of 2.2 . Declaration public static float GammaToLinear(float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The gamma-encoded value to convert. Expected range is [0, 1]. Returns Type Description System.Single The linear value. | Improve this Doc View Source GammaToLinear(Single, Single) Converts a gamma-encoded value to a linear value using the specified gamma value. Declaration public static float GammaToLinear(float value, float gamma) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The gamma-encoded value to convert. Expected range is [0, 1]. System.Single gamma The gamma value to use for decoding. Returns Type Description System.Single The linear value. | Improve this Doc View Source InverseLerp(Double, Double, Double) Returns the linear interpolation inverse of a value, such that it determines where a value lies between two other values. Declaration public static double InverseLerp(double alpha, double start, double end) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double alpha The value whose lerp inverse is to be found. System.Double st
"api/X10D.Math.SByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.SByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SByteExtensions Math-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(SByte) Returns the number of digits in the current 8-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(SByte) Computes the digital root of this 32-bit integer. Declaration public static sbyte DigitalRoot(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.SByte The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(SByte) Returns the factorial of the current 8-bit signed integer. Declaration public static long Factorial(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(SByte, SByte) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 8-bit signed integer, and another 8-bit signed integer. Declaration public static sbyte GreatestCommonFactor(this sbyte value, sbyte other) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The first value. System.SByte other The second value. Returns Type Description System.SByte The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(SByte) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(SByte) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(SByte) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(SByte, SByte) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 8-bit signed integer, and another 8-bit signed integer. Declaration public static sbyte LowestCommonMultiple(this sbyte value, sbyte other) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The first value. System.SByte other The second value. Returns Type Description System.SByte The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source Mod(SByte, SByte) Performs a modulo operation which supports a negative dividend. Declaration public static sbyte Mod(this sbyte dividend, sbyte divisor) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte dividend The dividend. System.SByte divisor The divisor. Returns Type Description System.SByte The result of dividend mod divisor . Remarks The % operator (commonly called the modulo operator) in C# is not defined to be modulo, but is instead remainder. This quirk inherently makes it difficult to use modulo in a negative context, as x % y where x is negative will return a negative value, akin to -(x % y) , even if precedence is forced. This method provides a modulo operation w
"api/X10D.Math.SingleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.SingleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SingleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SingleExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SingleExtensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SingleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Acos(Single) Returns the arccosine of the specified value. Declaration public static float Acos(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value representing a cosine, which must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. Returns Type Description System.Single The arccosine of value , θ, measured in radians; such that 0 θ π. If value is equal to , less than -1, or greater than 1, is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Acosh(Single) Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of the specified value. Declaration public static float Acosh(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value representing a hyperbolic cosine, which must be greater than or equal to 1, but less than or equal to . Returns Type Description System.Single The hyperbolic arccosine of value , θ, measured in radians; such that 0 θ . If value is less than 1 or equal to , is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Asin(Single) Returns the arcsine of the specified value. Declaration public static float Asin(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value representing a sine, which must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. Returns Type Description System.Single The arccosine of value , θ, measured in radians; such that π/2 θ π/2. If value is equal to , less than -1, or greater than 1, is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Asinh(Single) Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of the specified value. Declaration public static float Asinh(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value representing a hyperbolic sine, which must be greater than or equal to 1, but less than or equal to . Returns Type Description System.Single The hyperbolic arccosine of value , measured in radians. If value is equal to , is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Atan(Single) Returns the arctangent of the specified value. Declaration public static float Atan(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value representing a tangent, which must be greater than or equal to -1, but less than or equal to 1. Returns Type Description System.Single The arctangent of value , θ, measured in radians; such that π/2 θ π/2. If value is equal to , is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source Atanh(Single) Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of the specified value. Declaration public static float Atanh(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The value representing a hyperbolic tangent, which must be greater than or equal to 1, but less than or equal to . Returns Type Description System.Single The hyperbolic arctangent of value , θ, measured in radians; such that - < θ < -1, or 1 < θ < . If value is equal to , less than -1, or greater than 1, is returned. | Improve this Doc View Source ComplexSqrt(Single) Returns the complex square root of this single-precision floating-point number. Declaration public static Complex ComplexSqrt(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The number whose square root is to be found. Returns Type Description Complex The square root of value . | Improve this Doc View Source Cos(Single) Returns the cosine of the specified angle. Declaration public static float Cos(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The angle, measured in radians. Returns Type Description System.Single The cosine of value . If value is equal to , , or , this method returns . | Improve this Doc View Source Cosh(Single) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. Declaration public static float Cosh(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The angle, measured in radians. Returns Type Descri
"api/X10D.Math.UInt16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.UInt16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt16Extensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(UInt16) Returns the number of digits in the current 16-bit signed integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(UInt16) Computes the digital root of the current 16-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ushort DigitalRoot(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(UInt16) Returns the factorial of the current 16-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ulong Factorial(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(UInt16, UInt16) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 16-bit unsigned integer, and another 16-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ushort GreatestCommonFactor(this ushort value, ushort other) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The first value. System.UInt16 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(UInt16) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(UInt16) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(UInt16) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(UInt16, UInt16) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 16-bit unsigned integer, and another 16-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ushort LowestCommonMultiple(this ushort value, ushort other) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The first value. System.UInt16 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source MultiplicativePersistence(UInt16) Returns the multiplicative persistence of a specified value. Declaration public static int MultiplicativePersistence(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose multiplicative persistence to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The multiplicative persistence. Remarks Multiplicative persistence is defined as the recursive digital product until that product is a single digit. | Improve this Doc View Source Wrap(UInt16, UInt16) Wraps the current 16-bit unsigned integer between 0 and a high value. Declaration public static ushort
"api/X10D.Math.UInt32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.UInt32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt32Extensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(UInt32) Returns the number of digits in the current 32-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(UInt32) Computes the digital root of the current 32-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static uint DigitalRoot(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(UInt32) Returns the factorial of the current 32-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ulong Factorial(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(UInt32, UInt32) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 32-bit unsigned integer, and another 32-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static uint GreatestCommonFactor(this uint value, uint other) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The first value. System.UInt32 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(UInt32) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(UInt32) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(UInt32) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(UInt32, UInt32) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 32-bit unsigned integer, and another 32-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static uint LowestCommonMultiple(this uint value, uint other) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The first value. System.UInt32 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source MultiplicativePersistence(UInt32) Returns the multiplicative persistence of a specified value. Declaration public static int MultiplicativePersistence(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose multiplicative persistence to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The multiplicative persistence. Remarks Multiplicative persistence is defined as the recursive digital product until that product is a single digit. | Improve this Doc View Source Wrap(UInt32, UInt32) Wraps the current 32-bit unsigned integer between 0 and a high value. Declaration public static uint Wrap(this uint value, uint
"api/X10D.Math.UInt64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Math.UInt64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt64Extensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Math Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountDigits(UInt64) Returns the number of digits in the current 64-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static int CountDigits(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose digit count to compute. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The number of digits in value . | Improve this Doc View Source DigitalRoot(UInt64) Computes the digital root of the current 64-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ulong DigitalRoot(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose digital root to compute. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The digital root of value . Remarks The digital root is defined as the recursive sum of digits until that result is a single digit. For example, the digital root of 239 is 5: 2 + 3 + 9 = 14 , then 1 + 4 = 5 . | Improve this Doc View Source Factorial(UInt64) Returns the factorial of the current 64-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ulong Factorial(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose factorial to compute. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The factorial of value . | Improve this Doc View Source GreatestCommonFactor(UInt64, UInt64) Calculates the greatest common factor between the current 64-bit unsigned integer, and another 64-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ulong GreatestCommonFactor(this ulong value, ulong other) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The first value. System.UInt64 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The greatest common factor between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source IsEven(UInt64) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsEven(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOdd(UInt64) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is not evenly divisible by 2. Declaration public static bool IsOdd(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose parity to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is not evenly divisible by 2, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source IsPrime(UInt64) Returns a value indicating whether the current value is a prime number. Declaration public static bool IsPrime(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose primality to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value is prime; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source LowestCommonMultiple(UInt64, UInt64) Calculates the lowest common multiple between the current 64-bit unsigned integer, and another 64-bit unsigned integer. Declaration public static ulong LowestCommonMultiple(this ulong value, ulong other) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The first value. System.UInt64 other The second value. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The lowest common multiple between value and other . | Improve this Doc View Source MultiplicativePersistence(UInt64) Returns the multiplicative persistence of a specified value. Declaration public static int MultiplicativePersistence(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose multiplicative persistence to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The multiplicative persistence. Remarks Multiplicative persistence is defined as the recursive digital product until that product is a single digit. | Improve this Doc View Source Wrap(UInt64, UInt64) Wraps the current 64-bit unsigned integer between 0 and a high value. Declaration public static ulong Wrap(this ul
"api/X10D.Net.EndPointExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Net.EndPointExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EndPointExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class EndPointExtensions Extension methods for and derived types. Inheritance System.Object EndPointExtensions Namespace : X10D.Net Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class EndPointExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source GetHost(EndPoint) Returns the hostname for the current . Declaration public static string GetHost(this EndPoint endPoint) Parameters Type Name Description EndPoint endPoint The endpoint whose hostname to get. Returns Type Description System.String if endPoint is . -or- if endPoint is . -or- otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source GetPort(EndPoint) Returns the port number for the current . Declaration public static int GetPort(this EndPoint endPoint) Parameters Type Name Description EndPoint endPoint The endpoint whose port number to get. Returns Type Description System.Int32 if endPoint is . -or- if endPoint is . -or- 0 otherwise."
"api/X10D.Net.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Net.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Net | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Net Classes EndPointExtensions Extension methods for and derived types. Int16Extensions Network-related extension methods for . Int32Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Int64Extensions IO-related extension methods for . IPAddressExtensions Extension methods for ."
"api/X10D.Net.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Net.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions Network-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Net Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source HostToNetworkOrder(Int16) Converts a 16-bit signed integer value from host byte order to network byte order. Declaration public static short HostToNetworkOrder(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to convert, expressed in host byte order. Returns Type Description System.Int16 An integer value, expressed in network byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source NetworkToHostOrder(Int16) Converts a 16-bit signed integer value from network byte order to host byte order. Declaration public static short NetworkToHostOrder(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to convert, expressed in network byte order. Returns Type Description System.Int16 An integer value, expressed in host byte order."
"api/X10D.Net.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Net.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Net Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source HostToNetworkOrder(Int32) Converts a 32-bit signed integer value from host byte order to network byte order. Declaration public static int HostToNetworkOrder(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to convert, expressed in host byte order. Returns Type Description System.Int32 An integer value, expressed in network byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source NetworkToHostOrder(Int32) Converts a 32-bit signed integer value from network byte order to host byte order. Declaration public static int NetworkToHostOrder(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to convert, expressed in network byte order. Returns Type Description System.Int32 An integer value, expressed in host byte order."
"api/X10D.Net.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Net.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions IO-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Net Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source HostToNetworkOrder(Int64) Converts a 64-bit signed integer value from host byte order to network byte order. Declaration public static long HostToNetworkOrder(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to convert, expressed in host byte order. Returns Type Description System.Int64 An integer value, expressed in network byte order. | Improve this Doc View Source NetworkToHostOrder(Int64) Converts a 64-bit signed integer value from network byte order to host byte order. Declaration public static long NetworkToHostOrder(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to convert, expressed in network byte order. Returns Type Description System.Int64 An integer value, expressed in host byte order."
"api/X10D.Net.IPAddressExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Net.IPAddressExtensions.html",
"title": "Class IPAddressExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class IPAddressExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object IPAddressExtensions Namespace : X10D.Net Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class IPAddressExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsIPv4(IPAddress) Returns a value indicating whether the specified IP address is a valid IPv4 address. Declaration public static bool IsIPv4(this IPAddress address) Parameters Type Name Description IPAddress address The IP address to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the specified IP address is a valid IPv4 address; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsIPv6(IPAddress) Returns a value indicating whether the specified IP address is a valid IPv6 address. Declaration public static bool IsIPv6(this IPAddress address) Parameters Type Name Description IPAddress address The IP address to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the specified IP address is a valid IPv6 address; otherwise, false ."
"api/X10D.Numerics.ByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.ByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ByteExtensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(Byte) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(Byte, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static byte RotateLeft(this byte value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..7] is treated as congruent mod 8. Returns Type Description System.Byte The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(Byte, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static byte RotateRight(this byte value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..7] is treated as congruent mod 8. Returns Type Description System.Byte The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(Byte) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static byte RoundUpToPowerOf2(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.Byte The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Numerics | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Numerics Classes ByteExtensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Int16Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Int32Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Int64Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . QuaternionExtensions Numeric-related extension methods for . RandomExtensions Extension methods for . SByteExtensions Numeric-related extension methods for . UInt16Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . UInt32Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . UInt64Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Vector2Extensions Numeric-extensions for . Vector3Extensions Numeric-extensions for . Vector4Extensions Numeric-extensions for ."
"api/X10D.Numerics.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(Int16) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(Int16, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static short RotateLeft(this short value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..15] is treated as congruent mod 16. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(Int16, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static short RotateRight(this short value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..15] is treated as congruent mod 16. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(Int16) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static short RoundUpToPowerOf2(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.Int16 The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(Int32) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(Int32, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static int RotateLeft(this int value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..31] is treated as congruent mod 32. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(Int32, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static int RotateRight(this int value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..31] is treated as congruent mod 32. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(Int32) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static int RoundUpToPowerOf2(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(Int64) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(Int64, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static long RotateLeft(this long value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..63] is treated as congruent mod 64. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(Int64, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static long RotateRight(this long value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..63] is treated as congruent mod 64. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(Int64) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static long RoundUpToPowerOf2(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.QuaternionExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.QuaternionExtensions.html",
"title": "Class QuaternionExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class QuaternionExtensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object QuaternionExtensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class QuaternionExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Multiply(Quaternion, Vector3) Rotates the specified point with the specified rotation. Declaration public static Vector3 Multiply(this in Quaternion rotation, in Vector3 point) Parameters Type Name Description Quaternion rotation The rotation. Vector3 point The point. Returns Type Description Vector3 The rotated point. | Improve this Doc View Source ToAxisAngle(Quaternion) Converts this quaternion to an axis/angle pair. Declaration public static (Vector3 Axis, float Angle) ToAxisAngle(this in Quaternion value) Parameters Type Name Description Quaternion value The quaternion to convert. Returns Type Description System.ValueTuple < Vector3 , System.Single > A tuple containing the converted axis, and the angle in radians. | Improve this Doc View Source ToVector3(Quaternion) Converts this quaternion to a containing an Euler representation of the rotation. Declaration public static Vector3 ToVector3(this in Quaternion value) Parameters Type Name Description Quaternion value The quaternion to convert. Returns Type Description Vector3 The Euler representation of value , in radians."
"api/X10D.Numerics.RandomExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.RandomExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RandomExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class RandomExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object RandomExtensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class RandomExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source NextRotation(Random) Returns a randomly generated rotation as represented by a . Declaration public static Quaternion NextRotation(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description Quaternion A constructed from 3 random single-precision floating point numbers representing the yaw, pitch, and roll. | Improve this Doc View Source NextRotationUniform(Random) Returns a randomly generated rotation with uniform distribution. Declaration public static Quaternion NextRotationUniform(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance. Returns Type Description Quaternion A constructed with uniform distribution. | Improve this Doc View Source NextUnitVector2(Random) Returns a with magnitude 1 whose components indicate a random point on the unit circle. Declaration public static Vector2 NextUnitVector2(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance Returns Type Description Vector2 A whose returns 1, and whose components indicate a random point on the unit circle. | Improve this Doc View Source NextUnitVector3(Random) Returns a with magnitude 1 whose components indicate a random point on the unit sphere. Declaration public static Vector3 NextUnitVector3(this Random random) Parameters Type Name Description Random random The instance Returns Type Description Vector3 A whose returns 1, and whose components indicate a random point on the unit sphere."
"api/X10D.Numerics.SByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.SByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SByteExtensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(SByte) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(SByte, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static sbyte RotateLeft(this sbyte value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..7] is treated as congruent mod 8. Returns Type Description System.SByte The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(SByte, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static sbyte RotateRight(this sbyte value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..7] is treated as congruent mod 8. Returns Type Description System.SByte The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(SByte) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static sbyte RoundUpToPowerOf2(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.SByte The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.UInt16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.UInt16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt16Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(UInt16) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(UInt16, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static ushort RotateLeft(this ushort value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..15] is treated as congruent mod 16. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(UInt16, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static ushort RotateRight(this ushort value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..15] is treated as congruent mod 16. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(UInt16) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static ushort RoundUpToPowerOf2(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.UInt16 The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.UInt32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.UInt32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt32Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(UInt32) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(UInt32, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static uint RotateLeft(this uint value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..31] is treated as congruent mod 32. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(UInt32, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static uint RotateRight(this uint value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..31] is treated as congruent mod 32. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(UInt32) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static uint RoundUpToPowerOf2(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.UInt32 The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.UInt64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.UInt64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt64Extensions Numeric-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source PopCount(UInt64) Returns the population count (number of bits set) of a mask. Declaration public static int PopCount(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The mask. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The population count of value . Remarks This method is similar in behavior to the x86 instruction POPCNT | Improve this Doc View Source RotateLeft(UInt64, Int32) Rotates the current value left by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static ulong RotateLeft(this ulong value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..63] is treated as congruent mod 64. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RotateRight(UInt64, Int32) Rotates the current value right by the specified number of bits. Declaration public static ulong RotateRight(this ulong value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value to rotate. System.Int32 count The number of bits by which to rotate. Any value outside the range [0..63] is treated as congruent mod 64. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The rotated value. | Improve this Doc View Source RoundUpToPowerOf2(UInt64) Rounds the current value up to a power of two. Declaration public static ulong RoundUpToPowerOf2(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value to round. Returns Type Description System.UInt64 The smallest power of two that's greater than or equal to value , or 0 if value is 0 or the result overflows."
"api/X10D.Numerics.Vector2Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.Vector2Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Vector2Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Vector2Extensions Numeric-extensions for . Inheritance System.Object Vector2Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Vector2Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(Vector2, out Single, out Single) Deconstructs the current into its components. Declaration public static void Deconstruct(this Vector2 vector, out float x, out float y) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector to deconstruct. System.Single x The X component value. System.Single y The Y component value. | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(Vector2, PointF, PointF) Determines if the current lies on the specified line. Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this Vector2 point, PointF start, PointF end) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 point The point to check. PointF start The starting point of the line. PointF end The ending point of the line. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by start and end ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(Vector2, Vector2, Vector2) Determines if the current lies on the specified line. Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this Vector2 point, Vector2 start, Vector2 end) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 point The point to check. Vector2 start The starting point of the line. Vector2 end The ending point of the line. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by start and end ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source IsOnLine(Vector2, LineF) Determines if the current lies on the specified line. Declaration public static bool IsOnLine(this Vector2 point, LineF line) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 point The point to check. LineF line The line on which the point may lie. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if point lies on the line defined by line ; otherwise false . | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Vector2) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest integer. Declaration public static Vector2 Round(this Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector whose components to round. Returns Type Description Vector2 The rounded vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Vector2, Single) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest multiple of a specified number. Declaration public static Vector2 Round(this Vector2 vector, float nearest) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector whose components to round. System.Single nearest The nearest multiple to which the components should be rounded. Returns Type Description Vector2 The rounded vector. | Improve this Doc View Source ToPointF(Vector2) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static PointF ToPointF(this Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector to convert. Returns Type Description PointF The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source ToSizeF(Vector2) Converts the current to a . Declaration public static SizeF ToSizeF(this Vector2 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector to convert. Returns Type Description SizeF The resulting . | Improve this Doc View Source WithX(Vector2, Single) Returns a vector whose Y component is the same as the specified vector, and whose X component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector2 WithX(this Vector2 vector, float x) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector to copy. System.Single x The new X component value. Returns Type Description Vector2 A new instance of whose components is the same as that of vector , and whose component is x . | Improve this Doc View Source WithY(Vector2, Single) Returns a vector whose X component is the same as the specified vector, and whose Y component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector2 WithY(this Vector2 vector, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Vector2 vector The vector to copy. System.Single y The new Y component value. Returns Type Description Vector2 A new instance of whose components is the sa
"api/X10D.Numerics.Vector3Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.Vector3Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Vector3Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Vector3Extensions Numeric-extensions for . Inheritance System.Object Vector3Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Vector3Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(Vector3, out Single, out Single, out Single) Deconstructs the current into its components. Declaration public static void Deconstruct(this Vector3 vector, out float x, out float y, out float z) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector to deconstruct. System.Single x The X component value. System.Single y The Y component value. System.Single z The Z component value. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Vector3) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest integer. Declaration public static Vector3 Round(this Vector3 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector whose components to round. Returns Type Description Vector3 The rounded vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Vector3, Single) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest multiple of a specified number. Declaration public static Vector3 Round(this Vector3 vector, float nearest) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector whose components to round. System.Single nearest The nearest multiple to which the components should be rounded. Returns Type Description Vector3 The rounded vector. | Improve this Doc View Source WithX(Vector3, Single) Returns a vector whose Y and Z components are the same as the specified vector, and whose X component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector3 WithX(this Vector3 vector, float x) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector to copy. System.Single x The new X component value. Returns Type Description Vector3 A new instance of whose and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is x . | Improve this Doc View Source WithY(Vector3, Single) Returns a vector whose X and Z components are the same as the specified vector, and whose Y component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector3 WithY(this Vector3 vector, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector to copy. System.Single y The new Y component value. Returns Type Description Vector3 A new instance of whose and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is y . | Improve this Doc View Source WithZ(Vector3, Single) Returns a vector whose X and Y components are the same as the specified vector, and whose Z component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector3 WithZ(this Vector3 vector, float z) Parameters Type Name Description Vector3 vector The vector to copy. System.Single z The new Z component value. Returns Type Description Vector3 A new instance of whose and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is z ."
"api/X10D.Numerics.Vector4Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Numerics.Vector4Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Vector4Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Vector4Extensions Numeric-extensions for . Inheritance System.Object Vector4Extensions Namespace : X10D.Numerics Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Vector4Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(Vector4, out Single, out Single, out Single, out Single) Deconstructs the current into its components. Declaration public static void Deconstruct(this Vector4 vector, out float x, out float y, out float z, out float w) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to deconstruct. System.Single x The X component value. System.Single y The Y component value. System.Single z The Z component value. System.Single w The W component value. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Vector4) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest integer. Declaration public static Vector4 Round(this Vector4 vector) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector whose components to round. Returns Type Description Vector4 The rounded vector. | Improve this Doc View Source Round(Vector4, Single) Rounds the components in the current to the nearest multiple of a specified number. Declaration public static Vector4 Round(this Vector4 vector, float nearest) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector whose components to round. System.Single nearest The nearest multiple to which the components should be rounded. Returns Type Description Vector4 The rounded vector. | Improve this Doc View Source WithW(Vector4, Single) Returns a vector whose X, Y, and Z components are the same as the specified vector, and whose W component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector4 WithW(this Vector4 vector, float w) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to copy. System.Single w The new W component value. Returns Type Description Vector4 A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is w . | Improve this Doc View Source WithX(Vector4, Single) Returns a vector whose Y, Z, and W components are the same as the specified vector, and whose X component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector4 WithX(this Vector4 vector, float x) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to copy. System.Single x The new X component value. Returns Type Description Vector4 A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is x . | Improve this Doc View Source WithY(Vector4, Single) Returns a vector whose X, Z, and W components are the same as the specified vector, and whose Y component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector4 WithY(this Vector4 vector, float y) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to copy. System.Single y The new Y component value. Returns Type Description Vector4 A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is y . | Improve this Doc View Source WithZ(Vector4, Single) Returns a vector whose X, Y, and W components are the same as the specified vector, and whose Z component is a new value. Declaration public static Vector4 WithZ(this Vector4 vector, float z) Parameters Type Name Description Vector4 vector The vector to copy. System.Single z The new Z component value. Returns Type Description Vector4 A new instance of whose , , and components are the same as that of vector , and whose component is z ."
"api/X10D.Reflection.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Reflection.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Reflection | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Reflection Classes MemberInfoExtensions Extension methods for . TypeExtensions Extension methods for ."
"api/X10D.Reflection.MemberInfoExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Reflection.MemberInfoExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MemberInfoExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class MemberInfoExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object MemberInfoExtensions Namespace : X10D.Reflection Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class MemberInfoExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source HasCustomAttribute(MemberInfo, Type) Returns a value indicating whether or not the current member has been decorated with a specified attribute. Declaration public static bool HasCustomAttribute(this MemberInfo member, Type attribute) Parameters Type Name Description MemberInfo member The member attributes to check. Type attribute The attribute type. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the current member has been decorated with a specified attribute, or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source HasCustomAttribute<T>(MemberInfo) Returns a value indicating whether or not the current member has been decorated with a specified attribute. Declaration public static bool HasCustomAttribute<T>(this MemberInfo member) where T : Attribute Parameters Type Name Description MemberInfo member The member attributes to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the current member has been decorated with a specified attribute, or false otherwise. Type Parameters Name Description T The attribute type. | Improve this Doc View Source SelectFromCustomAttribute<TAttribute, TReturn>(MemberInfo, Func<TAttribute, TReturn>) Retrieves a custom attribute that is decorated by the current member, and projects it into to a new form. Declaration public static TReturn SelectFromCustomAttribute<TAttribute, TReturn>(this MemberInfo member, Func<TAttribute, TReturn> selector) where TAttribute : Attribute Parameters Type Name Description MemberInfo member The member. Func <TAttribute, TReturn> selector A transform function to apply to the attribute. Returns Type Description TReturn An instance of TReturn as provided from selector . Type Parameters Name Description TAttribute The attribute type. TReturn The return type of the selector delegate. | Improve this Doc View Source SelectFromCustomAttribute<TAttribute, TReturn>(MemberInfo, Func<TAttribute, TReturn>, TReturn) Retrieves a custom attribute that is decorated by the current member, and projects it into to a new form. Declaration public static TReturn SelectFromCustomAttribute<TAttribute, TReturn>(this MemberInfo member, Func<TAttribute, TReturn> selector, TReturn defaultValue) where TAttribute : Attribute Parameters Type Name Description MemberInfo member The member. Func <TAttribute, TReturn> selector A transform function to apply to the attribute. TReturn defaultValue The default value to return when the specified attribute is not found. Returns Type Description TReturn An instance of TReturn as provided from selector . Type Parameters Name Description TAttribute The attribute type. TReturn The return type of the selector delegate."
"api/X10D.Reflection.TypeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Reflection.TypeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TypeExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class TypeExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object TypeExtensions Namespace : X10D.Reflection Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class TypeExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Implements(Type, Type) Returns a value indicating whether the current type implements a specified interface. Declaration public static bool Implements(this Type value, Type interfaceType) Parameters Type Name Description Type value The type whose interface list to check. Type interfaceType The interface type. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the current exists on the type; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Implements<T>(Type) Returns a value indicating whether the current type implements a specified interface. Declaration public static bool Implements<T>(this Type value) Parameters Type Name Description Type value The type whose interface list to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the current exists on the type; otherwise, false . Type Parameters Name Description T The interface type. | Improve this Doc View Source Inherits(Type, Type) Returns a value indicating whether the current type inherits a specified type. Declaration public static bool Inherits(this Type value, Type type) Parameters Type Name Description Type value The type whose interface list to check. Type type The base type. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the current type inherits type , or false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source Inherits<T>(Type) Returns a value indicating whether the current type inherits a specified type. Declaration public static bool Inherits<T>(this Type value) where T : class Parameters Type Name Description Type value The type whose interface list to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the current type inherits T , or false otherwise. Type Parameters Name Description T The base type."
"api/X10D.Text.CharExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.CharExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CharExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class CharExtensions Text-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object CharExtensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class CharExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsEmoji(Char) Returns a value indicating whether this character constitutes an emoji. Declaration public static bool IsEmoji(this char value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Char value The character to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this character is an emoji; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Repeat(Char, Int32) Returns a string composed of the current character repeated a specified number of times. Declaration public static string Repeat(this char value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Char value The character to repeat. System.Int32 count The number of times to repeat. Returns Type Description System.String A composed of value repeated count times. | Improve this Doc View Source Repeat(Char, Int32, Span<Char>) Writes a character to a span of characters, repeated a specified number of times. Declaration public static void Repeat(this char value, int count, Span<char> destination) Parameters Type Name Description System.Char value The character to repeat. System.Int32 count The number of times to repeat. Span < System.Char > destination The span of characters into which the repeated characters will be written."
"api/X10D.Text.CharSpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.CharSpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CharSpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class CharSpanExtensions Extension methods for and of . Inheritance System.Object CharSpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class CharSpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source CountSubstring(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) Counts the occurrences of a substring within the current character span. Declaration public static int CountSubstring(this ReadOnlySpan<char> haystack, ReadOnlySpan<char> needle) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > haystack The haystack search space. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > needle The character span to count. Returns Type Description System.Int32 An integer representing the count of needle inside haystack . | Improve this Doc View Source CountSubstring(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, StringComparison) Counts the occurrences of a substring within the current character span, using a specified string comparison method. Declaration public static int CountSubstring(this ReadOnlySpan<char> haystack, ReadOnlySpan<char> needle, StringComparison comparison) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > haystack The haystack search space. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > needle The character span to count. StringComparison comparison The string comparison method used for determining substring count. Returns Type Description System.Int32 An integer representing the count of needle inside haystack . | Improve this Doc View Source CountSubstring(Span<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>) Counts the occurrences of a substring within the current character span. Declaration public static int CountSubstring(this Span<char> haystack, ReadOnlySpan<char> needle) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Char > haystack The haystack search space. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > needle The character span to count. Returns Type Description System.Int32 An integer representing the count of needle inside haystack . | Improve this Doc View Source CountSubstring(Span<Char>, ReadOnlySpan<Char>, StringComparison) Counts the occurrences of a substring within the current character span, using a specified string comparison method. Declaration public static int CountSubstring(this Span<char> haystack, ReadOnlySpan<char> needle, StringComparison comparison) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Char > haystack The haystack search space. ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > needle The character span to count. StringComparison comparison The string comparison method used for determining substring count. Returns Type Description System.Int32 An integer representing the count of needle inside haystack . | Improve this Doc View Source Repeat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Int32) Repeats a span of characters a specified number of times. Declaration public static string Repeat(this ReadOnlySpan<char> value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > value The string to repeat. System.Int32 count The repeat count. Returns Type Description System.String A string containing value repeated count times. | Improve this Doc View Source Repeat(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, Int32, Span<Char>) Repeats a span of character a specified number of times, writing the result to another span of characters. Declaration public static void Repeat(this ReadOnlySpan<char> value, int count, Span<char> destination) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > value The span of characters to repeat. System.Int32 count The repeat count. Span < System.Char > destination The destination span to write to."
"api/X10D.Text.EnumerableExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.EnumerableExtensions.html",
"title": "Class EnumerableExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class EnumerableExtensions Text-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object EnumerableExtensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class EnumerableExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Grep(IEnumerable<String>, String) Filters a sequence of strings by regular expression. Declaration public static IEnumerable<string> Grep(this IEnumerable<string> source, string pattern) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.String > source The sequence of strings to filter. System.String pattern The regular expression pattern to use for matching. Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.String > The filtered sequence. | Improve this Doc View Source Grep(IEnumerable<String>, String, Boolean) Filters a sequence of strings by regular expression, optionally allowing to ignore casing. Declaration public static IEnumerable<string> Grep(this IEnumerable<string> source, string pattern, bool ignoreCase) Parameters Type Name Description IEnumerable < System.String > source The sequence of strings to filter. System.String pattern The regular expression pattern to use for matching. System.Boolean ignoreCase true to ignore casing when matching; otherwise, false . Returns Type Description IEnumerable < System.String > The filtered sequence."
"api/X10D.Text.Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Extensions Text-related extension methods for all types. Inheritance System.Object Extensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ToJson<T>(T, Nullable<JsonSerializerOptions>) Returns a JSON string representation of the specified value. Declaration public static string ToJson<T>(this T value, JsonSerializerOptions? options = null) Parameters Type Name Description T value The value to convert. System.Nullable < JsonSerializerOptions > options The JSON serialization options. Returns Type Description System.String A JSON string representing the object. Type Parameters Name Description T The type of the value to convert."
"api/X10D.Text.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Text | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Text Classes CharExtensions Text-related extension methods for . CharSpanExtensions Extension methods for and of . EnumerableExtensions Text-related extension methods for . Extensions Text-related extension methods for all types. MarkdownExtensions Markdown-related extension methods for . RuneExtensions Text-related extension methods for . StringBuilderReader Represents a reads from a . StringExtensions Text-related extension methods for ."
"api/X10D.Text.MarkdownExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.MarkdownExtensions.html",
"title": "Class MarkdownExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class MarkdownExtensions Markdown-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object MarkdownExtensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class MarkdownExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source MDBold(String) Formats the specified text as bold, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDBold(this string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with bold. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDCode(String) Formats the specified text as code, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDCode(this string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with code. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDCodeBlock(String) Formats the specified text as a code block, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDCodeBlock(this string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with code blocks. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDCodeBlock(String, String) Formats the specified text as a code block, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDCodeBlock(this string value, string language) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with code blocks. System.String language The language to use for syntax highlighting. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDHeading(String, Int32) Formats the specified text as a heading, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDHeading(this string value, int level) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with italics. System.Int32 level The level of the heading. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDItalic(String) Formats the specified text as italics, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDItalic(this string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with italics. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. Remarks Markdown has two methods of italicizing text: * and _ . This method uses asterisks by default. To use underscores, use MDItalic(String, Boolean) and pass true as the second argument. | Improve this Doc View Source MDItalic(String, Boolean) Formats the specified text as italics, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDItalic(this string value, bool useUnderscores) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The value to surround with italics. System.Boolean useUnderscores Whether to use underscores instead of asterisks for italicizing. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDLink(Nullable<String>, String) Formats the specified text as a link, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDLink(this string? label, string url) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > label The label to use for the link. System.String url The URL to link to. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDLink(Nullable<String>, Uri) Formats the specified text as a link, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDLink(this string? label, Uri url) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > label The label to use for the link. Uri url The URL to link to. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDLink(Uri, Nullable<String>) Formats the specified text as a link, using Markdown. Declaration public static string MDLink(this Uri url, string? label) Parameters Type Name Description Uri url The URL to link to. System.Nullable < System.String > label The label to use for the link. Returns Type Description System.String The formatted text. | Improve this Doc View Source MDStrikeOut(String)
"api/X10D.Text.RuneExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.RuneExtensions.html",
"title": "Class RuneExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class RuneExtensions Text-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object RuneExtensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class RuneExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source IsEmoji(Rune) Returns a value indicating whether this rune constitutes an emoji. Declaration public static bool IsEmoji(this Rune value) Parameters Type Name Description Rune value The rune to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if this rune is an emoji; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Repeat(Rune, Int32) Returns a string composed of the current rune repeated a specified number of times. Declaration public static string Repeat(this Rune value, int count) Parameters Type Name Description Rune value The rune to repeat. System.Int32 count The number of times to repeat. Returns Type Description System.String A composed of value repeated count times."
"api/X10D.Text.StringBuilderReader.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.StringBuilderReader.html",
"title": "Class StringBuilderReader | X10D",
"keywords": "Class StringBuilderReader Represents a reads from a . Inheritance System.Object StringBuilderReader Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public class StringBuilderReader : TextReader Constructors | Improve this Doc View Source StringBuilderReader(StringBuilder) Initializes a new instance of the StringBuilderReader class. Declaration public StringBuilderReader(StringBuilder stringBuilder) Parameters Type Name Description StringBuilder stringBuilder The to wrap. Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Close() Declaration public override void Close() | Improve this Doc View Source Peek() Declaration public override int Peek() Returns Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Read() Declaration public override int Read() Returns Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Read(Span<Char>) Declaration public override int Read(Span<char> buffer) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Char > buffer Returns Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source Read(Char[], Int32, Int32) Declaration public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Char [] buffer System.Int32 index System.Int32 count Returns Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source ReadAsync(Memory<Char>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the characters from the current stream into a memory block. Declaration public override ValueTask<int> ReadAsync(Memory<char> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null) Parameters Type Name Description Memory < System.Char > buffer When this method returns, contains the specified memory block of characters replaced by the characters read from the current source. CancellationToken cancellationToken Ignored. Returns Type Description ValueTask < System.Int32 > A value task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The value of the type parameter contains the number of characters that have been read, or 0 if at the end of the stream and no data was read. The number will be less than or equal to the buffer length, depending on whether the data is available within the stream. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadAsync(Char[], Int32, Int32) Declaration public override Task<int> ReadAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Char [] buffer System.Int32 index System.Int32 count Returns Type Description Task < System.Int32 > | Improve this Doc View Source ReadBlock(Span<Char>) Declaration public override int ReadBlock(Span<char> buffer) Parameters Type Name Description Span < System.Char > buffer Returns Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source ReadBlock(Char[], Int32, Int32) Declaration public override int ReadBlock(char[] buffer, int index, int count) Parameters Type Name Description System.Char [] buffer System.Int32 index System.Int32 count Returns Type Description System.Int32 | Improve this Doc View Source ReadBlockAsync(Memory<Char>, CancellationToken) Asynchronously reads the characters from the current stream and writes the data to a buffer. Declaration public override ValueTask<int> ReadBlockAsync(Memory<char> buffer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = null) Parameters Type Name Description Memory < System.Char > buffer When this method returns, contains the specified memory block of characters replaced by the characters read from the current source. CancellationToken cancellationToken Ignored. Returns Type Description ValueTask < System.Int32 > A value task that represents the asynchronous read operation. The value of the type parameter contains the total number of characters read into the buffer. The result value can be less than the number of characters requested if the number of characters currently available is less than the requested number, or it can be 0 (zero) if the end of the stream has been reached. | Improve this Doc View Source ReadBlockAsync(Char[], Int32, Int32) Declaration public override Task<int> ReadBlockAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) Parameters Type Name Description
"api/X10D.Text.StringExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Text.StringExtensions.html",
"title": "Class StringExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class StringExtensions Text-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object StringExtensions Namespace : X10D.Text Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class StringExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source AsNullIfEmpty(Nullable<String>) Normalizes a string which may be either null or empty to null . Declaration public static string? AsNullIfEmpty(this string? value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > value The value to normalize. Returns Type Description System.Nullable < System.String > null if value is null or empty; otherwise, value . | Improve this Doc View Source AsNullIfWhiteSpace(Nullable<String>) Normalizes a string which may be either null , empty, or consisting of only whitespace, to null . Declaration public static string? AsNullIfWhiteSpace(this string? value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > value The value to normalize. Returns Type Description System.Nullable < System.String > null if value is null , empty, or consists of only whitespace; otherwise, value . | Improve this Doc View Source Base64Decode(String) Converts the specified string, which encodes binary data as base-64 digits, to an equivalent plain text string. Declaration public static string Base64Decode(this string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The base-64 string to convert. Returns Type Description System.String The plain text string representation of value . | Improve this Doc View Source Base64Encode(String) Converts the current string to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits. Declaration public static string Base64Encode(this string value) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The plain text string to convert. Returns Type Description System.String The string representation, in base 64, of value . | Improve this Doc View Source ChangeEncoding(String, Encoding, Encoding) Converts this string from one encoding to another. Declaration public static string ChangeEncoding(this string value, Encoding sourceEncoding, Encoding destinationEncoding) Parameters Type Name Description System.String value The input string. Encoding sourceEncoding The input encoding. Encoding destinationEncoding The output encoding. Returns Type Description System.String Returns a new with its data converted to destinationEncoding . | Improve this Doc View Source ConcatIf(Nullable<String>, Func<Boolean>, Func<Nullable<String>, Nullable<String>>) Appends a string to the current string if the specified condition evaluates to true . Declaration public static string? ConcatIf(this string? value, Func<bool> conditionFactory, Func<string?, string?> valueFactory) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > value The current string. Func < System.Boolean > conditionFactory The function that returns the condition to evaluate. Func < System.Nullable < System.String >, System.Nullable < System.String >> valueFactory The function that returns the string to append if the condition is true, with value given as an argument. Returns Type Description System.Nullable < System.String > The concatenated string. | Improve this Doc View Source ConcatIf(Nullable<String>, Func<Boolean>, Func<Nullable<String>>) Appends a string to the current string if the specified condition evaluates to true . Declaration public static string? ConcatIf(this string? value, Func<bool> conditionFactory, Func<string?> valueFactory) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > value The current string. Func < System.Boolean > conditionFactory The function that returns the condition to evaluate. Func < System.Nullable < System.String >> valueFactory The function that returns the string to append if the condition is true. Returns Type Description System.Nullable < System.String > The concatenated string. | Improve this Doc View Source ConcatIf(Nullable<String>, Func<Boolean>, Nullable<String>) Appends a string to the current string if the specified condition evaluates to true . Decla
"api/X10D.Time.ByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.ByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class ByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class ByteExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object ByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class ByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(Byte) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(Byte) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(Byte) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Byte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this byte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Byte value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.CharSpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.CharSpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class CharSpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class CharSpanExtensions Time-related extension methods for of . Inheritance System.Object CharSpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class CharSpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ToTimeSpan(ReadOnlySpan<Char>) Parses this span of characters as a shorthand time span (e.g. 3w 2d 1h) and converts it to an instance of . Declaration public static TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(this ReadOnlySpan<char> input) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > input The input span of characters. Floating point is not supported, but integers with the following units are supported: Suffix Meaning ms Milliseconds s Seconds m Minutes h Hours d Days w Weeks mo Months y Years Returns Type Description TimeSpan A new instance of ."
"api/X10D.Time.DateOnlyExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.DateOnlyExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DateOnlyExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DateOnlyExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DateOnlyExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DateOnlyExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Age(DateOnly) Returns the rounded-down integer number of years since a given date as of today. Declaration public static int Age(this DateOnly value) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The date from which to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rounded-down integer number of years since value as of today. | Improve this Doc View Source Age(DateOnly, DateOnly) Returns the rounded-down integer number of years since a given date as of another specified date. Declaration public static int Age(this DateOnly value, DateOnly referenceDate) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The date from which to calculate. DateOnly referenceDate The date to use as the calculation reference. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rounded-down integer number of years since value as of the date specified by referenceDate . | Improve this Doc View Source Deconstruct(DateOnly, out Int32, out Int32, out Int32) Deconstructs the current into its year, month, and day. Declaration public static void Deconstruct(this DateOnly value, out int year, out int month, out int day) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The date to deconstruct. System.Int32 year When this method returns, contains the year. System.Int32 month When this method returns, contains the month. System.Int32 day When this method returns, contains the day. | Improve this Doc View Source First(DateOnly, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the first occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateOnly First(this DateOnly value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The current date. DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateOnly A representing the first occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source FirstDayOfMonth(DateOnly) Gets a date representing the first day of the current month. Declaration public static DateOnly FirstDayOfMonth(this DateOnly value) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The current date. Returns Type Description DateOnly A representing the first day of the current month. | Improve this Doc View Source GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateOnly) Gets the ISO-8601 week number of the year for the current date. Declaration public static int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(this DateOnly value) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The date whose week number to return. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The ISO-8601 week number of the year. Remarks This implementation is directly inspired from a blog post . about this subject. | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(DateOnly) Returns a value indicating whether the year represented by the current is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this DateOnly value) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The date whose year to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the year represented by value is a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Last(DateOnly, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the final occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateOnly Last(this DateOnly value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The current date. DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateOnly A representing the final occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source LastDayOfMonth(DateOnly) Gets a date representing the last day of the current month. Declaration public static DateOnly LastDayOfMonth(this DateOnly value) Parameters Type Name Description DateOnly value The current date. Returns Type Description DateOnly A representing the last day of the current month. | Improve this Doc View Source Next(DateOnly, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the next occ
"api/X10D.Time.DateTimeExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.DateTimeExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DateTimeExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DateTimeExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DateTimeExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DateTimeExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Age(DateTime) Returns the rounded-down integer number of years since a given date as of today. Declaration public static int Age(this DateTime value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rounded-down integer number of years since value as of today. | Improve this Doc View Source Age(DateTime, DateTime) Returns the rounded-down integer number of years since a given date as of another specified date. Declaration public static int Age(this DateTime value, DateTime referenceDate) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value DateTime referenceDate Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rounded-down integer number of years since value as of the date specified by referenceDate . | Improve this Doc View Source First(DateTime, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the first occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateTime First(this DateTime value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateTime A representing the first occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source FirstDayOfMonth(DateTime) Gets a date representing the first day of the current month. Declaration public static DateTime FirstDayOfMonth(this DateTime value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value Returns Type Description DateTime A representing the first day of the current month. | Improve this Doc View Source GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTime) Gets the ISO-8601 week number of the year for the current date. Declaration public static int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(this DateTime value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value The date whose week number to return. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The ISO-8601 week number of the year. Remarks This implementation is directly inspired from a blog post . about this subject. | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(DateTime) Returns a value indicating whether the year represented by the current is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this DateTime value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value The date whose year to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the year represented by value is a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Last(DateTime, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the final occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateTime Last(this DateTime value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateTime A representing the final occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source LastDayOfMonth(DateTime) Gets a date representing the last day of the current month. Declaration public static DateTime LastDayOfMonth(this DateTime value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value Returns Type Description DateTime A representing the last day of the current month. | Improve this Doc View Source Next(DateTime, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the next occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateTime Next(this DateTime value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateTime A representing the next occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(DateTime) Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. Declaration public static long ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(this DateTime value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTime value The current date. Returns Type Description System.Int64 The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00
"api/X10D.Time.DateTimeOffsetExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.DateTimeOffsetExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DateTimeOffsetExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DateTimeOffsetExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DateTimeOffsetExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DateTimeOffsetExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Age(DateTimeOffset) Returns the rounded-down integer number of years since a given date as of today. Declaration public static int Age(this DateTimeOffset value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The date from which to calculate. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rounded-down integer number of years since value as of today. | Improve this Doc View Source Age(DateTimeOffset, DateTimeOffset) Returns the rounded-down integer number of years since a given date as of another specified date. Declaration public static int Age(this DateTimeOffset value, DateTimeOffset referenceDate) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The date from which to calculate. DateTimeOffset referenceDate The date to use as the calculation reference. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The rounded-down integer number of years since value as of the date specified by referenceDate . | Improve this Doc View Source First(DateTimeOffset, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the first occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset First(this DateTimeOffset value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The current date. DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A representing the first occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source FirstDayOfMonth(DateTimeOffset) Gets a date representing the first day of the current month. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FirstDayOfMonth(this DateTimeOffset value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The current date. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A representing the first day of the current month. | Improve this Doc View Source GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTimeOffset) Gets the ISO-8601 week number of the year for the current date. Declaration public static int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(this DateTimeOffset value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The date whose week number to return. Returns Type Description System.Int32 The ISO-8601 week number of the year. Remarks This implementation is directly inspired from a blog post . about this subject. | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(DateTimeOffset) Returns a value indicating whether the year represented by the current is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this DateTimeOffset value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The date whose year to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the year represented by value is a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Last(DateTimeOffset, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the final occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset Last(this DateTimeOffset value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The current date. DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A representing the final occurence of dayOfWeek . | Improve this Doc View Source LastDayOfMonth(DateTimeOffset) Gets a date representing the last day of the current month. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset LastDayOfMonth(this DateTimeOffset value) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The current date. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A representing the last day of the current month. | Improve this Doc View Source Next(DateTimeOffset, DayOfWeek) Gets a date representing the next occurence of a specified day of the week in the current month. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset Next(this DateTimeOffset value, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) Parameters Type Name Description DateTimeOffset value The current date. DayOfWeek dayOfWeek The day of the week. Returns Type Descripti
"api/X10D.Time.DecimalExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.DecimalExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DecimalExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DecimalExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DecimalExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DecimalExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Decimal) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Decimal) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Decimal) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Decimal) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Decimal) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Decimal) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this decimal value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Decimal value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.DoubleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.DoubleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class DoubleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class DoubleExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object DoubleExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class DoubleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Double) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Double) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Double) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Double) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Double) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Double) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this double value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Double value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.HalfExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.HalfExtensions.html",
"title": "Class HalfExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class HalfExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object HalfExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class HalfExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Half) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this Half value) Parameters Type Name Description Half value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Half) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this Half value) Parameters Type Name Description Half value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Half) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this Half value) Parameters Type Name Description Half value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Half) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this Half value) Parameters Type Name Description Half value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Half) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this Half value) Parameters Type Name Description Half value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Half) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this Half value) Parameters Type Name Description Half value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.html",
"title": "Namespace X10D.Time | X10D",
"keywords": "Namespace X10D.Time Classes ByteExtensions Time-related extension methods for . CharSpanExtensions Time-related extension methods for of . DateOnlyExtensions Time-related extension methods for . DateTimeExtensions Extension methods for . DateTimeOffsetExtensions Extension methods for . DecimalExtensions Time-related extension methods for . DoubleExtensions Time-related extension methods for . HalfExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Int16Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Int32Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Int64Extensions Time-related extension methods for . SByteExtensions Time-related extension methods for . SingleExtensions Time-related extension methods for . StringExtensions Time-related extension methods for . TimeSpanExtensions Extension methods for . TimeSpanParser Represents a class which contains a parser which converts into . UInt16Extensions Time-related extension methods for . UInt32Extensions Time-related extension methods for . UInt64Extensions Time-related extension methods for ."
"api/X10D.Time.Int16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.Int16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int16Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(Int16) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int16) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(Int16) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Int16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this short value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int16 value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.Int32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.Int32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int32Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(Int32) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int32) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(Int32) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Int32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this int value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int32 value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.Int64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.Int64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class Int64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class Int64Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object Int64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class Int64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(Int64) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(Int64) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(Int64) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Int64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this long value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Int64 value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.SByteExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.SByteExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SByteExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SByteExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SByteExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SByteExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(SByte) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(SByte) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(SByte) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(SByte) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this sbyte value) Parameters Type Name Description System.SByte value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.SingleExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.SingleExtensions.html",
"title": "Class SingleExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class SingleExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object SingleExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class SingleExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(Single) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(Single) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(Single) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(Single) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(Single) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(Single) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this float value) Parameters Type Name Description System.Single value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.StringExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.StringExtensions.html",
"title": "Class StringExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class StringExtensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object StringExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class StringExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source ToTimeSpan(String) Parses a shorthand time span string (e.g. 3w 2d 1h) and converts it to an instance of . Declaration public static TimeSpan ToTimeSpan(this string input) Parameters Type Name Description System.String input The input string. Floating point is not supported, but integers with the following units are supported: Suffix Meaning ms Milliseconds s Seconds m Minutes h Hours d Days w Weeks mo Months y Years Returns Type Description TimeSpan A new instance of ."
"api/X10D.Time.TimeSpanExtensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.TimeSpanExtensions.html",
"title": "Class TimeSpanExtensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class TimeSpanExtensions Extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object TimeSpanExtensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class TimeSpanExtensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Ago(TimeSpan) Returns a that is a specified duration in the past relative to the current time. Declaration public static DateTime Ago(this TimeSpan value) Parameters Type Name Description TimeSpan value The whose duration to subtract. Returns Type Description DateTime A that is a duration of value in the past relative to the current time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromNow(TimeSpan) Returns a that is a specified duration in the future relative to the current time. Declaration public static DateTime FromNow(this TimeSpan value) Parameters Type Name Description TimeSpan value The whose duration to add. Returns Type Description DateTime A that is a duration of value in the future relative to the current time."
"api/X10D.Time.TimeSpanParser.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.TimeSpanParser.html",
"title": "Class TimeSpanParser | X10D",
"keywords": "Class TimeSpanParser Represents a class which contains a parser which converts into . Inheritance System.Object TimeSpanParser Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class TimeSpanParser : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<Char>, out TimeSpan) Attempts to parses a shorthand time span (e.g. 3w 2d 1h) as a span of characters, converting it to an instance of which represents that duration of time. Declaration public static bool TryParse(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, out TimeSpan result) Parameters Type Name Description ReadOnlySpan < System.Char > value The input span of characters. Floating point is not supported, but range the following units are supported: Suffix Meaning ms Milliseconds s Seconds m Minutes h Hours d Days w Weeks mo Months y Years TimeSpan result When this method returns, contains the parsed result. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the parse was successful, false otherwise. | Improve this Doc View Source TryParse(Nullable<String>, out TimeSpan) Attempts to parses a shorthand time span string (e.g. 3w 2d 1h), converting it to an instance of which represents that duration of time. Declaration public static bool TryParse(string? value, out TimeSpan result) Parameters Type Name Description System.Nullable < System.String > value The input string. Floating point is not supported, but range the following units are supported: Suffix Meaning ms Milliseconds s Seconds m Minutes h Hours d Days w Weeks mo Months y Years TimeSpan result When this method returns, contains the parsed result. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if the parse was successful, false otherwise."
"api/X10D.Time.UInt16Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.UInt16Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt16Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt16Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt16Extensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt16Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(UInt16) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(UInt16) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(UInt16) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(UInt16) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this ushort value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt16 value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.UInt32Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.UInt32Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt32Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt32Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt32Extensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt32Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(UInt32) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(UInt32) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(UInt32) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(UInt32) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this uint value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt32 value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"api/X10D.Time.UInt64Extensions.html": {
"href": "api/X10D.Time.UInt64Extensions.html",
"title": "Class UInt64Extensions | X10D",
"keywords": "Class UInt64Extensions Time-related extension methods for . Inheritance System.Object UInt64Extensions Namespace : X10D.Time Assembly : X10D.dll Syntax public static class UInt64Extensions : object Methods | Improve this Doc View Source Days(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of days. Declaration public static TimeSpan Days(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in days. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(UInt64) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source FromUnixTimeSeconds(UInt64) Converts a Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to a value. Declaration public static DateTimeOffset FromUnixTimeSeconds(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value A Unix time, expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (January 1, 1970, at 12:00 AM UTC). For Unix times before this date, its value is negative. Returns Type Description DateTimeOffset A date and time value that represents the same moment in time as the Unix time. | Improve this Doc View Source Hours(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of hours. Declaration public static TimeSpan Hours(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in hours. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source IsLeapYear(UInt64) Returns a value indicating whether the current integer, representing a year, is a leap year. Declaration public static bool IsLeapYear(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The value whose leap year status to check. Returns Type Description System.Boolean true if value refers to a leap year; otherwise, false . | Improve this Doc View Source Milliseconds(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of milliseconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Milliseconds(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in milliseconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Minutes(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of minutes. Declaration public static TimeSpan Minutes(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in minutes. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Seconds(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of seconds. Declaration public static TimeSpan Seconds(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in seconds. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Ticks(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of ticks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Ticks(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in ticks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value . | Improve this Doc View Source Weeks(UInt64) Returns a that represents this value as the number of weeks. Declaration public static TimeSpan Weeks(this ulong value) Parameters Type Name Description System.UInt64 value The duration, in weeks. Returns Type Description TimeSpan A whose will equal value × 7."
"articles/intro.html": {
"href": "articles/intro.html",
"title": "X10D | X10D",
"keywords": "X10D X10D (pronounced extend ), is a .NET package that provides extension methods for numerous types. The purpose of this library is to simplify a codebase by reducing the need for repeated code when performing common operations. Simplify your codebase. Take advantage of .NET. Use extension methods. (I'm also dogfooding this library, so there's that.) What are extension methods? Extension methods are a clever .NET feature that augment existing types with new functionality. They are defined as static methods in a static class, and are called as if they were instance methods on the type they are extending. Take, for example, the following code: public static class Program { public static void Main() { string str = \"Hello, world!\"; Console.WriteLine(str.Reverse()); } } public static class StringExtensions { public static string Reverse(this string str) { char[] chars = str.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(chars); return new string(chars); } } This will print !dlrow ,olleH to the console. The Reverse method is defined in the StringExtensions class, yet is called as if it were an instance method on the str variable, even though it's not. Why use extension methods? Extension methods were introduced when LINQ was added to .NET. LINQ is a set of extension methods that provide a way to query, filter, and transform data. If you were to access LINQ's methods statically, you would have to write code like this: public static class Program { public static void Main() { int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; IEnumerable<int> evenNumbers = Enumerable.Where(numbers, x => x % 2 == 0); IEnumerable<int> doubledNumbers = Enumerable.Select(evenNumbers, x => x * 2); int sum = Enumerable.Sum(doubledNumbers); Console.WriteLine(sum); } } And if you wanted to one-line this, you'd have to write this: public static class Program { public static void Main() { int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Console.WriteLine(Enumerable.Sum(Enumerable.Select(Enumerable.Where(numbers, x => x % 2 == 0), x => x * 2))); } } This is a lot of code to write, and it's not very readable. The nested method calls make it incredibly difficult to follow. However, because LINQ is implemented as extension methods, you can write the following code instead: public static class Program { public static void Main() { int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Console.WriteLine(numbers.Where(x => x % 2 == 0).Select(x => x * 2).Sum()); } } Because the methods are called as if they were instance methods on IEnumerable<T> , they can be chained together, making the code much more readable. X10D aims to provide these same benefits as LINQ, but for dozens of other types and for countless other use cases."
"articles/migration-from-3.x.x.html": {
"href": "articles/migration-from-3.x.x.html",
"title": "Migration from 3.x.x | X10D",
"keywords": "Migration from 3.x.x X10D 4.0.0 is a major release that introduces breaking changes. This document will help you migrate your code from 3.x.x to 4.0.0. When a breaking change is mentioned, the compatibility mirrors that of the Microsoft documentation for .NET, which you can find here . Removed APIs X10D.DSharpPlus library The X10D.DSharpPlus library has been removed. This library was used to provide extension methods for the DSharpPlus wrapper library. However, I have since moved to using a different library, and as such, I feel it is no longer in the scope of X10D or in my best interest to maintain it. The library will remain available on NuGet until DSharpPlus release 5.0.0 as stable, and X10D.DSharpPlus will NOT be part of X10D 4.0.0. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. X10D.Unity library The X10D.Unity library has been removed. This library was used to provide extension methods for the Unity API. Due to game development politics, I no longer feel it in my best interest to continue development of the Unity package. The library will remain on NuGet for the foreseeable future but will no longer be maintained. The upm branch of the Git repository will remain available indefinitely also. Endianness enum Source incompatible change The Endianness enum was used to specify the endianness of data when reading or writing to a stream. This was causing some clutter, and makes it harder to develop X10D, so it was removed. In its stead, any method which accepted an Endianness parameter now has two overloads: one for big-endian, and one for little-endian. For example, the following code: someStream.Write(12345, Endianness.BigEndian); // or Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[4]; 12345.TryWriteBytes(buffer, Endianness.BigEndian); would now be written as: someStream.WriteBigEndian(12345); // or Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[4]; 12345.TryWriteLittleEndianBytes(buffer); IEnumerable<T>.ConcatOne(T) extension method Source incompatible change The IEnumerable<T>.ConcatOne extension method was used to concatenate a single item to an enumerable. At the time, I was unaware of the Enumerable.Append method, which does the same thing. As such, ConcatOne has been removed. There is no migration path for this, as the built in Append method from LINQ is a drop-in replacement. Exception Changes Source incompatible change If you were previously catching TypeInitializationException when calling Stream.GetHash<> or Stream.TryWriteHash<> , you will now need to catch a ArgumentException instead. The justification for this change is that ArgumentException is more general, and more easily understood by developers."
"index.html": {
"href": "index.html",
"title": "Introduction | X10D",
"keywords": "Introduction X10D (pronounced extend ), is a .NET package that provides extension methods for numerous types. The purpose of this library is to simplify a codebase by reducing the need for repeated code when performing common operations. Simplify your codebase. Take advantage of .NET. Use extension methods."