--- name: Extension method request about: Make a request for an extension method you believe should be implemented title: '' labels: enhancement assignees: oliverbooth --- **Type** Provide the fully-qualified type name of the extension method you wish to have here. Example: ```cs System.String ``` **Extension method signature** Provide the full method signature here, without parameter names, but do not include the leading `this T x` parameter. Example: ```cs string Random(int, System.Random) ``` **Parameters** Document each of the parameters here, with their name and description - i.e. this would be equivalent to the entry in the XMLDoc. Use a table layout like in the following example: | Parameter | Type | Description | |- |- |- | |length|`int`|The length of the string to generate.| |random|`System.Random`|The instance of `System.Random` to use for the operation| **Description** Briefly but concisely document the method's purpose here. i.e. This would be the `` entry in the XMLDoc. **Benefits** Give a reason as to why this method should be added. Does it add a need not satisified by any other X10D method? Does .NET not offer similar operations? Why should this method exist? **Drawbacks** Give a reason as to why this method should *not* be added. Is it an expensive operation? Does it defy .NET guidelines? If you cannot think of any, leave this blank. **(Optional) Implementation example** If you prefer, you can give an example of how this method might be implemented using a C# codeblock. Do not include the method signature here - just the body. ```cs { // code } ```