using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using OliverBooth.Data; using OliverBooth.Data.Web; using OliverBooth.Markdown; using OliverBooth.Markdown.Template; using SmartFormat; using SmartFormat.Extensions; namespace OliverBooth.Services; /// /// Represents a service that renders MediaWiki-style templates. /// public sealed class TemplateService { private readonly IDbContextFactory _webContextFactory; private readonly SmartFormatter _formatter; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The factory. public TemplateService(IDbContextFactory webContextFactory) { _formatter = Smart.CreateDefaultSmartFormat(); _formatter.AddExtensions(new DefaultSource()); _formatter.AddExtensions(new ReflectionSource()); _formatter.AddExtensions(new DateFormatter()); _webContextFactory = webContextFactory; Current = this; } public static TemplateService Current { get; private set; } = null!; /// /// Renders the specified template with the specified arguments. /// /// The template to render. /// The rendered template. /// /// is . /// public string RenderTemplate(TemplateInline templateInline) { if (templateInline is null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(templateInline)); using WebContext webContext = _webContextFactory.CreateDbContext(); ArticleTemplate? template = webContext.ArticleTemplates.Find(templateInline.Name); if (template is null) { return $"{{{{{templateInline.Name}}}}}"; } var formatted = new { templateInline.ArgumentList, templateInline.ArgumentString, templateInline.Params, }; try { return Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(_formatter.Format(template.FormatString, formatted)); } catch { return $"{{{{{templateInline.Name}|{templateInline.ArgumentString}}}}}"; } } }