@page @using NetBarcode @using OliverBooth.Data.Web @using SixLabors.ImageSharp @using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png @using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing @using Type = NetBarcode.Type @model OliverBooth.Pages.Books @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Reading List"; }

Reading List

This is a list of the books I've read, I'm currently reading, or that I plan to read. Not every book is listed here, but I will update this list as I try to remember what it is I've read in the past.

This list is also available on Goodreads.

Currently Reading

@foreach (IBook book in Model.CurrentlyReading.OrderBy(b => b.Author).ThenBy(b => b.Title)) { }
Title Author ISBN
Book Cover @book.Title.Trim() @book.Author.Trim() @book.Isbn.Trim()

Plan to Read

@foreach (IBook book in Model.PlanToRead.OrderBy(b => b.Author).ThenBy(b => b.Title)) { }
Title Author ISBN
Book Cover @book.Title.Trim() @book.Author.Trim() @book.Isbn.Trim()


@foreach (IBook book in Model.Read.OrderBy(b => b.Author).ThenBy(b => b.Title)) { }
Title Author ISBN
Book Cover @book.Title.Trim() @book.Author.Trim() @book.Isbn.Trim()