using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Humanizer;
using Markdig;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using OliverBooth.Data.Blog;
using OliverBooth.Data.Web;
namespace OliverBooth.Services;
/// Represents an implementation of .
internal sealed class BlogPostService : IBlogPostService
private readonly IDbContextFactory _dbContextFactory;
private readonly IUserService _userService;
private readonly MarkdownPipeline _markdownPipeline;
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// The used to create a .
/// The .
/// The .
public BlogPostService(IDbContextFactory dbContextFactory,
IUserService userService,
MarkdownPipeline markdownPipeline)
_dbContextFactory = dbContextFactory;
_userService = userService;
_markdownPipeline = markdownPipeline;
public int GetBlogPostCount()
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
return context.BlogPosts.Count();
public IReadOnlyList GetDrafts(IBlogPost post)
if (post is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(post));
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
return context.BlogPostDrafts.Where(d => d.Id == post.Id).OrderBy(d => d.Updated).ToArray();
public IReadOnlyList GetAllBlogPosts(int limit = -1,
BlogPostVisibility visibility = BlogPostVisibility.Published)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
IQueryable ordered = context.BlogPosts;
if (visibility != (BlogPostVisibility)(-1))
ordered = ordered.Where(p => p.Visibility == visibility);
ordered = ordered.OrderByDescending(post => post.Published);
if (limit > -1)
ordered = ordered.Take(limit);
return ordered.AsEnumerable().Select(CacheAuthor).ToArray();
public IReadOnlyList GetBlogPosts(int page, int pageSize = 10)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
return context.BlogPosts
.Where(p => p.Visibility == BlogPostVisibility.Published)
.OrderByDescending(post => post.Published)
.Skip(page * pageSize)
public IBlogPost? GetNextPost(IBlogPost blogPost)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
return context.BlogPosts
.Where(p => p.Visibility == BlogPostVisibility.Published)
.OrderBy(post => post.Published)
.FirstOrDefault(post => post.Published > blogPost.Published);
public IBlogPost? GetPreviousPost(IBlogPost blogPost)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
return context.BlogPosts
.Where(p => p.Visibility == BlogPostVisibility.Published)
.OrderByDescending(post => post.Published)
.FirstOrDefault(post => post.Published < blogPost.Published);
public string RenderExcerpt(IBlogPost post, out bool wasTrimmed)
string body = post.Body;
int moreIndex = body.IndexOf("", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (moreIndex == -1)
string excerpt = body.Truncate(255, "...");
wasTrimmed = body.Length > 255;
return Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(excerpt, _markdownPipeline);
wasTrimmed = true;
return Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(body[..moreIndex], _markdownPipeline);
public string RenderPost(IBlogPost post)
return Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml(post.Body, _markdownPipeline);
public bool TryGetPost(Guid id, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IBlogPost? post)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
post = context.BlogPosts.Find(id);
if (post is null)
return false;
return true;
public bool TryGetPost(int id, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IBlogPost? post)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
post = context.BlogPosts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.WordPressId == id);
if (post is null)
return false;
return true;
public bool TryGetPost(DateOnly publishDate, string slug, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IBlogPost? post)
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
post = context.BlogPosts.FirstOrDefault(post => post.Published.Year == publishDate.Year &&
post.Published.Month == publishDate.Month &&
post.Published.Day == publishDate.Day &&
post.Slug == slug);
if (post is null)
return false;
return true;
public void UpdatePost(IBlogPost post)
if (post is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(post));
using BlogContext context = _dbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
BlogPost cached = context.BlogPosts.First(p => p.Id == post.Id);
private BlogPost CacheAuthor(BlogPost post)
// ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalseAccordingToNullableAPIContract
if (post.Author is not null)
return post;
if (_userService.TryGetUser(post.AuthorId, out IUser? user) && user is IBlogAuthor author)
post.Author = author;
return post;