using System.Reflection; using Cysharp.Text; using Markdig.Helpers; using Markdig.Parsers; using Markdig.Renderers.Html; using Markdig.Syntax; namespace OliverBooth.Extensions.Markdig.Markdown.Callout; /// /// An inline parser for Obsidian-style callouts ([!NOTE] etc.) /// internal sealed class CalloutInlineParser : InlineParser { // ugly hack to access internal method private static readonly MethodInfo ReplaceParentContainerMethod = typeof(InlineProcessor).GetMethod("ReplaceParentContainer", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)!; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// public CalloutInlineParser() { OpeningCharacters = ['[']; } /// public override bool Match(InlineProcessor processor, ref StringSlice slice) { // We expect the alert to be the first child of a quote block. Example: // > [!NOTE] // > This is a note if (processor.Block is not ParagraphBlock { Parent: QuoteBlock quoteBlock } paragraphBlock || paragraphBlock.Inline?.FirstChild != null) { return false; } StringSlice cache = slice; char current = slice.NextChar(); if (current != '!') { slice = cache; return false; } current = slice.NextChar(); // skip ! int start = slice.Start; int end = start; while (current.IsAlphaUpper()) { end = slice.Start; current = slice.NextChar(); } if (current != ']' || start == end) { slice = cache; return false; } var type = new StringSlice(slice.Text, start, end); current = slice.NextChar(); // skip ] start = slice.Start; bool fold = false; if (current == '-') { fold = true; current = slice.NextChar(); // skip - start = slice.Start; } ReadTitle(current, ref slice, out StringSlice title, out end); var callout = new CalloutBlock(type) { Foldable = fold, Span = quoteBlock.Span, TrailingWhitespaceTrivia = new StringSlice(slice.Text, start, end), Line = quoteBlock.Line, Column = quoteBlock.Column, Title = title }; AddAttributes(callout, type); ReplaceQuoteBlock(processor, quoteBlock, callout); return true; } private static void ReadTitle(char startChar, ref StringSlice slice, out StringSlice title, out int end) { using Utf16ValueStringBuilder builder = ZString.CreateStringBuilder(); char current = startChar; while (true) { if (current is not ('\0' or '\r' or '\n')) { builder.Append(current); current = slice.NextChar(); continue; } end = slice.Start; if (HandleCharacter(ref slice, ref end, ref current)) { continue; } break; } title = new StringSlice(builder.ToString(), 0, builder.Length); } private static bool HandleCharacter(ref StringSlice slice, ref int end, ref char current) { switch (current) { case '\r': current = slice.NextChar(); // skip \r if (current is not ('\0' or '\n')) { return true; } end = slice.Start; if (current == '\n') { slice.NextChar(); // skip \n } break; case '\n': slice.NextChar(); // skip \n break; } return false; } private static void AddAttributes(IMarkdownObject callout, StringSlice type) { HtmlAttributes attributes = callout.GetAttributes(); attributes.AddClass("callout"); attributes.AddProperty("data-callout", type.AsSpan().ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); } private static void ReplaceQuoteBlock(InlineProcessor processor, QuoteBlock quoteBlock, CalloutBlock callout) { ContainerBlock? parentQuoteBlock = quoteBlock.Parent; if (parentQuoteBlock is null) { return; } int indexOfQuoteBlock = parentQuoteBlock.IndexOf(quoteBlock); parentQuoteBlock[indexOfQuoteBlock] = callout; while (quoteBlock.Count > 0) { var block = quoteBlock[0]; quoteBlock.RemoveAt(0); callout.Add(block); } ReplaceParentContainerMethod.Invoke(processor, [quoteBlock, callout]); // ReplaceParentContainer(processor, quoteBlock, callout); } }