X10D (pronounced *extend*), is a class library that provides extension methods for numerous .NET types. The purpose of this library is to simplify a codebase by reducing the need for repeated code when performing common operations. Simplify your codebase. Take advantage of .NET. Use extension methods.
*(I'm also [dogfooding](https://deviq.com/dogfooding/) this library, so there's that.)*
or by downloading the [latest release](https://github.com/oliverbooth/X10D/releases/latest) from this repository.
## Features
### Numeric extensions
> 👍 ProTip: *Most* of the extensions available for `int` will also exist for `short`, `long`, and their unsigned counterparts!
#### `bool` <-> `int`
Convert a `bool` to an `int` by using `ToInt32`. The value returned is 1 if the input is `true`, and 0 if it's `false`.
bool b = true;
int i = b.ToInt32(); // 1
The same also works in reverse. Using `ToBoolean` on an `int` will return `false` if the input is 0, and `true`if the input is anything else.
int zero = 0;
long nonZero = 1;
bool b1 = zero.ToBoolean(); // false
bool b2 = nonZero.ToBoolean(); // true
#### Between
Determine if a value is between other values using `Between` like so:
int i = 3;
if (i.Between(2, 4))
// i is between 2 and 4!
Since the signature of this method is defined with a generic constraint of `IComparable<T>`, this will also work for any object that is `IComparable<T>` - not just numeric types!
bool Between<T>(this T actual, T lower, T upper) where T : IComparable<T>
#### IsEven (*and IsOdd*)
As the names suggest, this method determines if the input value is evenly divisible by 2.
int i = 5;
bool b = i.IsEven(); // false
There is also an `IsOdd` extension method, which will return the opposite of that returned by `IsEven`.
#### IsPrime
Determine if an integral is a prime number by using `IsPrime`.
bool b = 43.IsPrime(); // true
#### Clamp
Clamp a value between an upper and lower bound
int i = 5.Clamp(0, 3); // 3
#### Convert degrees <-> radians
Easily convert between radians and degrees
double rad = 2 * Math.PI;
double deg = rad.RadiansToDegrees(); // 360
rad = deg.DegreesToRadians(); // back to 2*pi
#### Round
Round a value to the nearest whole number:
var d = 2.75;
var rounded = d.Round(); // 3
Or specify a value to have it round to the nearest multiple of `x`:
double a = 8.0.Round(10); // 10
double b = 2.0.Round(10); // 0
### String
#### Repeat value
Repeat a string or a char a specific number of times using `Repeat`
You can use the `EnumParse` method to convert a string into a value from an enum, while optionally ignoring case:
enum Number
Number num = "two".EnumParse<Number>(true); // num == Number.Two
#### `Next` / `Previous` enum cycling
Cycle through the values in an enum with `Next` and `Previous`:
Number two = Number.Two;
Number one = two.Previous();
Number three = two.Next();
### Conversion
Easily convert between types using `To`, `ToOrNull`, `ToOrDefault`, or `ToOrOther`, thereby shortening the call to `Convert.ChangeType` or `Convert.ToX`:
int i = "43".To<int>();
int j = "a".ToOrDefault<int>(); // 0
int k = "a".ToOrOther<int>(100); // 100
### Random
Do more with Random including flip a coin, randomly select an element in an array, or shuffle the array entirely.